adam lambert best male singers


Adam Mitchel Lambert is an American singer, songwriter and stage actor. Since 2009, he has sold over 2.5 million albums and 5 million singles worldwide.

Brilliant, multioctave singer who knows when to have quiet and gentle moments with a gorgeous controlled tenor and middle range. His tone, pitch, breath control ^^ power ^^ range, particularly for a male vocalist is unparalleled in music today. He is a chameleon both in presentation and in his voice and can sing anything from classical opera, to theatrical productions, to rock and roll and simple acoustic melodies. His voice captivates and has such presence. His emotive abilities while singing and performing are mesmerizing and very real. His voice is like medicine to the soul and comes from a beautiful soul with a true heart. Love Adam. Fan forever.
The top three on this list should be Freddie Mercury, Michael Jackson and Adam Lambert. No doubt. Freddie and MJ are musical legends and Adam is arguably the only current male music artist with an unquestionably iconic voice and recently fronted Queen at the 2011 EMAs.
Whatever genre of song he performs, Adam infuses each with the drama, intensity, and charisma that few singers can match the visceral connection with his audience. The powerful and magical quality of his voice, unparalleled technical vocal mastery, and mesmerizing stage presence have earned him worldwide acclaim and demand for his performances, more often than not as sold-out, highly praised, and begging-for-more personal appearances. There's a reason: A wall of sound surrounds and envelopes so thoroughly that the effect is so unbelievable people want not just to see and hear this magnificent performer, but to repeat "the Voice" experience not just once, but many times over to discover if Adam is for real, so incredibly unearthly his gift is. Despite all the highest and widest of acclaim from fans far and wide, Adam remains hardworking, grounded, and humble, endearing him to people of all ages and persuasions.
Adam Lambert captured my attention from the first day I saw and heard him during his audition for American Idol Season 8. His voice is incredible and his performances sensational and very entertaining! He is a beautiful person inside and out, very articulate and is well on his way to becoming SUPERSTAR! He already is my my eyes!
There aren't enough words to describe Adam Lambert, he is just the sexiest man on earth (in my opinion). His voice is perfect. He is the best and the most amazing person I've ever seen in my entire life! I could spend a day just listening to Adam's music.
Adam Lambert is the best singer of all time. Me and my grandma love him so much, now if he can have so many fans of all different ages than he must be more than the best male singer, he is the best singer of all time. Also with him being a LGBT supporter shows that he is not only a amazing singer but also a amazing person! If you have never herd him I think that you should look him up on youtube right now. His best song is fever. Every one should live Adam Lambert because of all those wonderful things! Also some thing I can't forget is that he is one of the most glamorous guys ever so if you like sparkly makeup, feathered jackets and tight (very tight) shiny zebra striped pants than you will love Adam Lambert. So it doesn't matter whether you like rock or pop, or whether you like boys or girls, or whether you are young or old or even if you don't live in America you can still be a Adam Lambert fan. Let me recap he is the best singer of all time, he is loved by all different people, he ...more
Obviously one of the best live singers that will ever exist.! His music sends a message to everyone of us saying that it's ok to be different..! He can do unbelievable things with his voice..! It's so powerful.! I love it.! He is my all time favourite singer and Idol.! He's like a father figure to me and millions of other people.!
Went to Adam Lambert's concert at Foxwoods and was blown away by the power and the sheer beauty of his voice live. Never in my life have I heard anyone sound so amazing, we were mesmerized from start to finish, he's an exceptional talent in the age of auto tune. I
Not only he is so gorgeous and good looking, he has an incredible amazing voice... His range is awesome and unbelievable.. Apart from this, he is so generous, he helped lots of people around the world via different charities.. I bet all of you had seen him at MTV EMA 2011 performing with queen.. Was not he amazing?!
Adam has one of the most beautiful voices I've ever heard.. He has the vocal ability to reach inside of you when he is singing and communicate his feelings. Not many of today's performers have the special magic that Adam has.
EVERYONE should hear Adam Lambert sing live- It's a life-changing experience. His voice is electrifying and it envelopes one. Never heard anything like it!
How can Adam Lambert not be at the top of this list. As Roger Taylor and Brian May have said - " His voice is unparalleled - a 1 in a hundred million voice. There is no better.
Adam Lambert can sing any genre of music with amazing authenticity. Come To Me, Bend to Me from Brigadoon shows off his tender musical theatre side. His breath control and range out of the stratosphere will bring you to tears. His role of Joshua in the production The Ten Commandments gives you a taste of his stage presence and incredible power. Whole Lotta Love, done slowly with passion, a hard rock version as well as his Reggae version will blow you away! He is pitch perfect, professionally well trained and the most exciting, thrilling, all encompassing entertainer I've ever seen. Adam's voice is uplifting and glorious, making music thrilling and mesmerizing. He's the best of the best!
Without a doubt... Adam has this in the bag... Just listen to him and you will know why I chose him as the best male singer.

There is a lot of great singers on this list, but Adam voice just grabs me and after hearing him sing, no one else compares.
Why don't we have Adam Lambert up to number one yet? He deserves to be at the top. Nothing against Michael Jackson because Adam learned stage presence because of seeing Michael Jackson. Adam said so himself. But His voice exceeds over every one on this list. Sorry JB you shouldn't even be on this list. You songs have no meaning. Adam rights all of his songs to have a meaning and a connection with your soul. Adam is by far the best here! Vote him to number one! Please! (: - ILive4Music14
Adam Lambert has a voice that touches your soul. It has a quality that can bring you to tears with it's beautiful resonance. Plus, he's an exciting and charismatic performer like no one else!
Adam Lambert? Simply the best. He transcends expectations, breaks barriers, soothes souls, shatters records, inspires passion, leads millions, steals hearts, heals wounds, rebuilds faith, inspires confidence, builds morale. As beautiful on the inside as he is on the outside, Adam has the voice of angels, the power of armies, the brightness of the sun, the lightness of a child's kiss, the passion of fire, the presence of a god. He is a beacon, a ray of light and hope, a priceless gem in a world overrun with sludge. Adam is so needed.
There are no adequate words to describe Adam Lambert. At his best he is untouchable. He has that soul-saturated rock voice that crawls down your spine and resonates with every fiber of your being and you end up feeling nothing but THAT VOICE, you find yourself in some kind of parallel reality, everything else disappear... It's quite strange actually. His voice is like really, and I mean really really really, good sex...
He is amazing the first concert that I have even wanted to attend since the 1970's He is an Angel God sent with talent and the most amazing message for people of today. Warm Friendly I feel like I have known him for ever and we have never met... Yet... Saw him in concert and there are no words to describe how one human could bring so many different kinds of people together. Old, middle aged, young, gay, straight, and for 2 or more amazing hours we were all one family. One family that made sure everyone had glitter on. I feel as if he at one point looked in each persons eyes and connected in a way I can't describe in words. So yes I feel God sent him as a messenger. ONe-LOve
Definitely the best male singer today! Such a powerful and beautiful voice, amazing! New album 'Trespassing' coming out spring 2012, will be awesome!
Adam Lambert should be #1. He is by far the best singer in the world, nay the universe. He is not only the best singer, but is far better looking and sexier than all of these combined. Also he is a very caring person, for example his charity concerns(Donors. Org, The Trevor Project and Charity Water)Where at his request, for his birthday, his fans raised one million dollars in lieu of presents for him. To me that's an amazing person.
Adam is awesome his music he can sing anything he put everything into a song he knows how to work the music into the words of his songs he knows how to entertain you a lot of his songs have meaning his sex appeal helps so do his looks to he's on hell of a person so nice to everybody he meets and adam writes a lot of his own songs so that says a lot about him adam is the best thing to come in to the pop world today
Adam has it all range, power and emotion. He can sing anything. When he connects with a song and his audience magic happens. This man performing live... GO!
I saw Adam before he became famous in The Ten Commandments singing alongside Val Kilmer. Adam stole the show and blew away the audience. Val and the entire cast couldn't hold a candle to Adam. He mesmerized the entire audience and we all just sat there with our mouths agape. I leaned over and told my friend- "You just watch- this guy will be famous one day". A year later Adam won our hearts on American Idol and music history was changed. So I say again -"Just watch- Adam will go down in history as one of top singers of all time. "
The world deserves to hear and see Adam Lambert's incredible artistry. No other performer can match Adam's extraordinary vocal abilities, combined with exciting showmanship, style, and photogenic looks. He is simply captivating. - TalentFTW
It is always difficult to compare artists... But especially artists who are in that top 1%... Freddie... MJ... Elvis... Artists who bring something beyond the average... Be it charisma on stage... Sex appeal... Insane vocals... MJ was a phenomenon with stage presence... Charisma in spades... And he brought leading edge art with his albums... Freddie also was very commanding on stage & vocal extraordinaire... And the Queen catalog speaks for itself... And then there is Elvis... The man with the pelvis and vocals to match... So then... Why Adam Lambert?... Why should he be here with such legends? I love and respect these incredible artists I have just mentioned... So why am I here voting for Adam Lambert? Because Adam Lambert is the first artist to really hit my sweet spot... I was gone the first moment he opened his mouth... There is a resonance to his vocals that just slays me... Not to mention his range and control... No one out there can touch him live.. In my opinion... also... ...more
I'm an old lady with some musical training and have heard a lot of voices in my life. In my opinion, Adam has the most magnificent voice I've ever heard, equal to or surpassing any of the greatest male voices of all time of any genre. Unique, rare, unparalleled. He could sing and excel in any genre he chose. Sometimes I'm sorry he hasn't chosen to follow the likes of Pavarotti, who sang both opera and other genres, but whatever path Adam ultimately takes, the world won't be able to resist validating his talent in the end. He is utterly stupendous and will surely be a legend.
Where to start? Technically, he is a master of his instrument. Huge range with seamless register shifts. Strong breath control and support. Impressive ability to sing a wide variety of genres, opera to rock metal, power ballad to intimate, tender acoustic. He can control his vibrato to fit the song, from straight tone to warmth. He is also a stellar interpreter of lyrics and emotions in the song. And, seen live, he has powerful stage presence, charisma, and strong dance moves. And, need I say "sex on legs"? A treasure for the eye and ear.
For those who have somehow missed or dismissed his abilities... Adam Lambert is an amazing, energizing, sizzling, charismatic, magical, shockingly powerful vocalist and performer. He can sing anything, master anything, draw you in and set you on fire. His performances make me happier to be alive than just about anything other than my family and friends. Brian May recently said that Adam's voice is 1 in a billion. Working with him is a gift from heaven. Nile Rodgers called him brilliant, a musical genius. Avicii says his vocals are insane and he's a great writer. The kudos go on and on. Adam is a spectacular performer and the best part is he's a beautiful person inside and out.
Adam Lambert's voice entered my DNA and changed me.
Adam's angelic voice does something to me. It lifts me up, makes me soar, strips away the years. gives me chills, and makes me feel better than I can explain. Words are too 2-dimensional to fully express the virtuosity and perfection of his instrument. Mere words can't describe the impact of that voice on bodies, minds, spirits. Further elevating that impact is the experience of watching one of his live performances. You truly can't believe it until you feel the joy, jubilance, exhilaration, excitation, sexual energy and sheer bliss of being in his presence. Notwithstanding opera singers, Adam Lambert has the most magnificent voice on earth.
He can sing any song, best voice ever. We can listen his songs 24 hours, never boring. He gives 100% performance to his audience. He makes audience happy and amaze. His stage performance is no two. All his cover songs are also so much better than original. He sings the song smooth and very beautifully. Not only good voice but also know how to sing a song smoothly. He loves to sing and we love to listen his music. He is real artist. He is very hardworking, polite and also pay respect to other artist. The way he response to others artists who says negative to him is very impressive and respectable. He knows how to handle the matter very well. I am Asian fan. I know "Queen's music" because of him.
I have seen Adam perform numerous times, both his own music and touring with Queen. Each time he sings a song it is a little or dramatically different. He goes from making you laugh to ripping your heart out. Even when he is being sexy, you see and hear the mischievous man underneath. Probably what I like best about him is that it's his music he takes seriously, not himself.
Adam Lambert has a five octave vocal range, can sing any genre, opera, pop, rock, blues, musical theatre, all authentically in perfect pitch, astounding breath control, with passion as well as gut wrenching tenderness. He has unbelievable stage presence. You can feel the electricity and magnetism that draws you in and connects viscerally, uplifting you to magnificent heights. He truly is in the same league, if not surpassing the talents of Elvis, Michael Jackson and the few other notable greats. His vocal ability is unmatched.
The greatest singer of this age, and a brilliant live performer. Deserves to be much higher on this list, in fact needs to be at the top.
Adam Lambert is one of the most charismatic singer's of this genre! He continues to "WOW" us with his ever evolving music and talent! A rare gem of a man, he has only begun to show us what he's truly capable of! His voice range is unparalleled and it draw's us in and makes us need to listen! His positivity in the way he loves his fans, is amazing to say the least!
Adam is not only the best living singer on earth. He's a beautiful person inside and out. Whenever I try to say how much his music and the very fact of his existence mean to me, how much he's changed my life, I feel that all the words in the world are too small and sound so trivial. He's a genius. He's the most most beautiful creature walking this Earth. He is a gift from God to mankind.
Adam and Mercury can sing anything! But I do think Lambert has more skilled techniques and he has more versatility in style and tone. As much as Mercury is my favorite, I will give credit, where credit is due. Lambert is a phenom that can't be matched as of today.
When Adam Lambert sings there is a palpable energy transference that you can feel between him and his audience. His voice is unparalleled and I can't wait for the Uk to discover our national treasure.
His singing - just wow. Gifted with a beautiful tone and miraculous range, Adam Lambert knows how to use his instrument. He can draw you into the intimate, heart wrenching lament of "Outlaws of Love", get you dancing with his fun loving "Strut", or just plain make your jaw drop with the soaring beauty of "Soaked. " Oh, and he can hold his own, respectfully, of course, with the late, great Freddie Mercury (Queen performance at the EMA awards, November 2011).
Adam has one of the most flexible and wide range voice that I have ever heard. I am a vocalist and I would die to be able to do what he can do and does. His diversity in style and sound is amazing. He can basically do every genre justice and authentically. I am so awed by his vibrato at his highest notes where most of us can only dream to go, with such agility and sustainability. His voice power and projection are great, and his stage presence that just captivates the audiences is a truly gifted talent.
Adam Lambert has the most amazing voice in the music business today. His vocals are beautiful and can move me to tears. He has incredible charisma on stage and draws you in to everything he does up there. He has a wonderful personality and is kind and sensitive to his fans. And I'm excited about his forthcoming 2nd album.
Why is Adam Lambert so far away?!?!? He's just amazing, has an incredible voice, can reach ANY note, he sings right, is the only person who got a standing ovation from Simon Cowell, and QUEEN chose him to sing with them at the EMAs this year, and you can always feel the emotion in his voice! He's more than amazing and perfect live!
IDK who some of these people are and I've been around a while, but Adam is the only recent addition to the music scene who can rival the all time greats like Freddie or power tenor Steve Perry, while doing full justice to works by Robert Plant AND exuding all the charisma and sex appeal of the King himself!
By far the most talented, exciting vocalist and all round performer/entertainer on the music scene today with a vocal range that has been written about in opera publications and professional classical instructors and performers in the U. S. And abroad where he gained worldwide praise on hugely successful Glam Nation Tour.
Best singer, entertainer, performer on the music scene today! Amazing vocal range and improvisational skills surpassed by non. Hugely successful worldwide tour and about to release his 2nd album, Trespassing.
I discovered Adam Lambert by accident while channel surfing. Once I heard that voice, I could not get enough. He reaches in and touches your sole. I have not been the same since. You can actually feel his voice going through you like a lightening bolt. Yes, he can sing anything from rock to opera, but he is so much more than that.
A voice like Adam Lambert's, comes around once in a lifetime. There is NO ONE that even comes close to him. He should be wearing the crown. I cannot WAIT for his new album to be released. He is SPECTACULAR! Talk about singing the songbook? Adam delivers and then some. He hits notes without any effort never heard before by any other artists and with the greatest of ease. No one else gives me goosebumps like Adam Lambert.
Adam is an absolutely amazing human being. His own life struggles with his sexuality has led him to support those who daily consider if their own lives are worthwhile. He has truly been the example that anyone may overcome the hardship of acceptance. Although the struggle will be difficult, he has proven that being true to yourself is the best policy.
Adam has supported many LGTB programs like the Trevor project. He has not only been a financial donor but has put his name forward to assist in any way needed. Adam's music career speaks for itself! Obviously a God given talent, Adam has blessed us all with amazing songs. From the soft tender songs like, "Underneath" to the sexy rock of "Strut", he has given us a delightful array of addictive songs! Those of us entitled, Glamberts have been happily getting our daily doses of Adam's wonderful musical expressions! We hope his fantastic career continues forever as we have become highly addicted to his music as well as the man himself.
Why the world hasn't realized how GREAT Adam is is beyond me. I have been around to see all the greats - Elvis, MJ. To me - Adam beats them ALL! His voice is the BEST I have ever heard! The world will soon realize they have another Icon in their midsts. His new CD will show them that!
Adam is one of a kind... No one else can match his talent or personality. 

He always is promoting other artists and congratulating them on their successes. You certainly do not see much of that anymore. Everyone seems only to care about themselves.
There are just no words for Adam. He is like no other out there today. Voice, looks, body, talent he has it all. He's such an inspiration and gives hope to people who maybe never thought there was any. Never have I experienced what I did at his show. He has a way with his fans like no other, he's just incredible. I'm so proud to call myself a fan.
INCREDIBLE VOCAL RANGE! HE IS A GENIUS! INCREDiBLe CONTROL of HIS VOICE. You can be hypnotized easily. Beside it, he has an amazing stage presence, his performance on stage captured every soul in the audience with his passion and sex appeal. He can relate to every song with different spice and taste.
Powerful, rich, well controlled, sweetly melodic, perfect pitch, and multi- octave voice backed up with versatile ability to master multiple music jandras with ease. Adam is in great shape physically and this also enhances his breath control and liveliness during performances. His intelligence, natural musical instinct and ad lib ability to make adjustments to songs during performances also makes each performance unique and fresh. He also sounds wonderful when harmonizing with others and with his own voice which is demonstrated on many of his recordings. All of these attributes and too many more to mention here make Adam a very rare and precious gem in the world of music.
I went to see Adam Lambert in concert and ended up going back 4 more times! I would have gone to every one of his 100 if I could have. There is simply no one like him. He is pure joy, energy, sex, and unmatched talent. It's a very sad thing that some don't give him a chance due to his lifestyle, they are missing out on a talent like no other!
He has a uniquely beautiful voice I've ever heard and I think he's one of the best singer I've ever met. He got really good vocal, he can sing really high notes... I so loving his voice... That why I think he's the best male singer ever!
I've been in love with Adam's voice since I first heard "If I had you". And it stuck to me, even though it's not the most complicated thing he sings. Don't get me wrong: it's still one of the best things sung and it's all because of Adam. With every song I'm more convinced a human being wasn't supposed to sing like this. Call it magic, ET phenomenon but Adam Lambert is THE BEST!
Adam Lambert is... A God. His voice is stunning. He can sing amazingly, unlike so many popular artists today, who rely on studios to make them sound good. He can go from the sexiest man on earth, causing Adamgasms left and right, to a sweet guy in love within the space of seconds. This man is easily one of the best artists of our time or, in fact, ANY time.
Adam Lambert... What can be said about his voice that has not been said before. I think I have read every adjective possible describing his voice. But the thing is it is not only his voice but he is a beautiful person inside and out. Love the man as much as his talent.
Adam Lambert means a strong singer, best entertainer with a unique voice. When he gives a show we always wants more.besides having his own way of doing things.from his beautiful voice, he can sing ANYTHING and when I say anything, it's anything! He deserves the title of Best Male Singer! He is nice to hear and nice to watch! We could find a million reasons to prove he is the best and most importantly he is a great man with guts. Make your choice, but in our hearts, adam will stay the best!
It's true, something about Adam's voice envelops you, it fills the air around you and the whole venue, you FEEL it and the beautiful tone makes the music come alive. He is so in contact with the audience, making eye contact constantly, engaging everyone. Hearing him live is amazing. But his albums are a pleasure too, with eclectic songs that never bore and just his beautiful voice and amazing range tying it all together. His voice is pure pleasure, range and control amazing, emotion ravishing.
There's no question Adam's voice transcends all the hallmarks of what makes a phenomenal voice--control, range, power, tone, emotion, resonance, beauty, clarity--and beyond all that, there is a quality that defies description-transcendent, lifting you to a dimension where you are enveloped in a wall of sound, where every cell of the listener feels the sound vibrations. When you hear Adam's voice, he transports you to a place where the music wants to take you--joy,
Peace, love, warmth, ecstasy, delirium, passion, compassion...He can do this because he is also a consummate actor who happens to have the soul of a loving being.
The greatest singer alive today, A great showman and live performer who does not need auto tune and lip syncing to cover up a lack of talent. Also a great songwriter.
Adam Lambert is the best singer of this generation especially compared to all the auto-tune artists as I like to call them. He is unique. His voice is a mixture of all the legendary icons. He is so underrated that it kills me. People, open your ears.

He doesn't only have a voice, but a powerful presence and songs which HAVE a MEANING.I have not seen him live that's true, but even through videos you can feel a strong wave of emotion.

He is totally a great singer and good looking as well
Without a doubt Adam Lambert deserves the title of Best Male Singer. His vocals are out of this world and he can get a crowd going better than any singer I've ever seen. His ability to hit the high and low notes, as well as his charming appearance are brilliantly displayed every time he gets on a stage. He will go down in history as the greatest singer and entertainer of all times.
Adam Lambert has a really amazing voice. His songs can range from beautifully touching to highly energetic. Most singers today need autotune, but when you hear Adam sing live with no edits obviously, you just get chills. Every song I have heard by him has compelled me to drop my jaw in wonder. He has a beautiful range that can reach high, very difficult to sing notes. Adam Lambert is, no question, the best current male vocalist.
I first heard Adam sing in Idol and I was so amazed by him that I called my sister and told her that we had a new Elvis Presley. Everything about him is fabulous, the voice, the hair, amazing charisma, spiritual contact with the fans. Need I have to mention those blue eyes and he is tall and looks very comfortable in his own skin. After Michael Jackson, Adam is the best singer because he sings everything but country music. LOVE HIM!
Adam is just indescribable, he has everything, the looks, the presence, the sexiness, plus the most perfect multi octave voice ever. Seeing him live was unforgettable, once you've seen him once, you NEED to see him again.
Adam Lambert Is A Whole Lotta Perfect... Yeah baby! 
His voice is magical.. He can sing anything... He's got the whole package... He's always been a great inspiration to me ever since I knew him... He's someone to look up too... He's giving music its true meaning unlike nowadays' artists.. He ROCKS.. Just as I said WHOLE LOTTA PERFECT!
Listening to Adam literally changes your physiology. His voice can inspire, excite, penetrate, soothe, amuse or heal depending on what he wants to project. He is completely connected to his music. You feel the music resonating down to his DNA. And then there is just the complete beauty of his tone. He is an incredibly skilled singer but keeps his technique in the background so you are simply left with the effortless ease. I love that he is playful and spontaneous. Hardly ever sings the same song the same way.

Adam is the most amazing singer/entertainer. I love all that he has done for the gay kids needing guidance. Adam is a inspiration. Keep doing what your doing you are paving the way for others. Have watched you since Idol. I voted for you. I picked you out for auditions and said he's gonna be the one that wins and in my eyes you did.
Adam Lambert has the most beautiful voice I've ever listened to in my life. After watching his performance with Queen in the 2011 EMAs I can truthfully say he will surpass any iconic singer and will be remembered for years. Not only is he a fabulous singer, his stage presence is unbelievable, he's a great dancer, and he's also very easy on the eyes. I don't think anyone will ever be able to live up to his standards.
I will just say this.. Adam Lambert is the most amazing, talented person in this entire world..! I'm a total Glambert for ever! Nobody can change that! And all you haters, ya don't know whatcha missing! Oh.. And by the way... He's GORGEOUS! Sexiest man alive! Love ya Adam! Can't wait for Trespassing next year! I'll be counting down the days!
Any list that does not have Adam Lambert in the Top 10 is not credible! Even Rock heavy weights in the industry like Brian May, Roger Taylor, Slash, Meatloaf have said he is one of the best and in some cases, THE best they have ever word. When someone who worked with Freddie says Adam is extraordinary and the best out there, I listen!
Adam as the ability to entice you, excite you, ignite you with his whole being. His voice comes from his soul and reaches out and touches you with its perfection. Music has a bonding effect among us humans, it heels you, lifts you, makes you happy or sad, moves you like nothing else but when you hear it coming from Adam even the Angels weep with joy. Everyone needs to witness and experience this amazing mans voice in person, no one would walk away and not be impressed and just damn happy!

Adam has the most amazing voice I have ever heard. Range, ease, control, resonance. He can pretty much do whatever he wants with whatever kind of music he desires. I would give anything to have his ability. Professional singers from every genre from pop/rock to opera are simply blown away with how good he is. He also possesses a stage style and personal persona that is captivating. It is a shame that MJ died when he did because he was enthralled with Adam and they would have worked well together. I think Freddie and Elvis would have respected Adam too.
This is talent born of a child pouring himself into his art... It was the only place he felt complete. His technique has been so perfected, it is now effortless. This enables him to focus on interpretation, style and colors. In an era of autotune and overproduction, Adam sounds better live than his studio offerings. If you have an opportunity, hear him live. When you do, appreciate you're hearing the best tenor on the planet. From classical to pop and rock, his voice moves me to tears.

I love every single song of Adam. He is one of the most exciting singers in the world. As Kara has ever said in American Idol, Adam has a unbelievable range of voice. After working hard so many years in Hollywood, he has been approaching perfect in singing skills. And the most important thing is that Adam always can exactly send messages to the audiences about his feelings though every song he have ever performed. And besides, he is really a nice person.
The most amazing voice and range ever! His voice is something I have never heard before and he deserves to be way higher up than spot 100!
Adam Lambert is the best singer of all time! You can take several of Adam's songs and he will sing differently in each one. How is this even possible? Because his range is amazing. I have never heard such a range in any other singer. This man is a true talent and it is a crime that he is so underrated. His vocals are ridiculous. Bruno Mars is talented but I find he sounds the same on all his songs. Adam's versatility makes him a winner.
The best singer, as well as greatest male entertainer is definitely Adam Lambert. I could watch his videos for hours without stopping because he simply has the most remarkable voice I've ever heard. Hats of to a guy who can leave me feeling like I'm floating in the clouds when he sings!
Adam is the most amazing and down to earth guy. His vocals and voice and general can not be beaten. His happy-go-lucky personality outshine any other male artist. Adam Lambert is the whole package deal. Not only is he an amazing singer/vocalist, he has a great personality, performs AMAZING when live, and let's be real, he's smokin' hot. He has a HUGE sex appeal, without even trying. With the voice of an angel, Adam Lambert, will show the world who really is the best.

Adam Lambert is the best male singer alive, the three above him in this poll are dead.
Adam's voice is comparable to none. He has the most beautiful tone I have ever heard-and a range that soars to the heavens. The world is just starting to realize what an incredible talent this young man is...
To me Adam Lambert has the best voice in the world. He can sing any type of music. When I feel down all I have to do is turn his music on and I start to feel good all over! No other singer ever made me feel so good!
Adam has the most amazing voice on this planet! I was totally blown away with his performance with Queen in the 2011 EMAs. This performance was of epic proportions. He's one of those singers who actually has it ALL... Charisma, stage presence, ultra sexiness, great dancing and entertaining skills, and the greatest voice of all times!
Incredible, outstanding vocals like NO OTHER... Truly brilliant! Listen to his "Soaked" live (song written by Matt Bellamy of Muse). You WILL be amazed! (also all of his performances - all amazing, all different, he can do rock, pop, opera, ballads, you name it! )
Adam's voice is a finely tuned instrument with great power and range. The control he has over his instrument is truly something to behold. He can quite literally sing any genre. He is one of those rare artists who are actually better singing live because he has the whole package... Stage presence, charisma, dance moves, easy on the eyes and a voice that never fails him! His voice goes straight to my soul and I will be a fan forever.

Adam Lambert has a voice in a billion according to Roger Taylor and Brian May. Also he has an innate ability to interpret music. Hardly ever sings a song the same way twice. He can do things with his voice that no one else can do. His fantastic vocals are second to none. Many other singers laugh and say he must have a double lung. He has stage presence and charisma in abundance and also looks fantastic.
Adam is Pavarotti, Streisand, Freddie and Elvis all rolled into one for the 21st century. His appeal begins with his transcendent voice and goes all the way deep into his generous heart. He is perfection.
ONE of the Greatest singers of all TIME. What a lovely voice he has. I have been listening to his songs for four years and I can't live without them. HE should be number 1. ADAM-YOU ROCK...
Adam Lambert should be on top with Freddie and Michael. He is the most amazing singer and his live concerts, of which I saw six, are life changing experiences. Freddie and Michael should be the best singers of all time, but Adam is definitely the best singer alive today and for that matter, the best entertainer.
Adam's voice has range which very few artists have. He is gifted and talented. He isn't a singer, he is an artist. Someone who understands music and depicts it in a way never seen before. He has an aura of magic about him. He is an incredible vocalists. The best of this generation and he will be a legend.
All I can say is this dude is awesome... Ah great balls of glittery glam! I LOVE YOU ADAM LAMBERT YOU ROCK! Favorite song is beg for mercy it's amazingly awesome I heard that my mom said she might be getting the new album trespassing for me for Christmas I'M SO EXCITED
Adam Lambert is one of the few singers these days that can actually sing live. He owns every stage and makes each performance unique and stellar. His new album "Trespassing" can't come soon enough.
Adam has a voice from God. A beautiful man, inside and outside, who is thrilling to watch on T.V. And in concert. Personally, I have never been this excited about a singer, male or female, in my 40 plus years of living. Adam is the whole package and I can listen to him all day long.
My God! Haven't you HEARD him sing? If you have, you know there's absolutely no contest here! He's the best singer of this century, a real genius whose music simply goes through your whole body at once, and you can never forget him once you've heard his voice of an angel!
I love Adam Lambert's brilliant vocals! A one of a kind artist in his talent and charisma. Adam has worked hard for the arts in schools and clean water charities along with gay rights. Those who know him are always commenting in the media that he is one of the nicest guys out there.
Who else has such a wide fan base from little kids to middle aged ( but young in attitude) and everyone else as well. When you are at a concert and there is someone's grandparents in the audience ( with glitter on no less)and you just waited 10 hours in the hot sun to see him, you know that is a voice and presence that comes along very rarely. His generosity and respect for all is inspiring.
Of all the people on this list, Lambert has, by far, the greatest voice - he can sing any genre and puts his heart and soul into every song. There's no one in pop music today who can equal him.
A voice that stands alone in it's beauty, it may sound corny but it touches ones soul, it is that beautiful! He beats to his own drum and is his own person but also personifies honor, integrity and grace. He is a wonderful humanitarian and is involved in charities for those less fortunate and human rights.
Adam has a rare talent and yes, even though he had professional training, his voice is unparalleled today. He can soar higher that anyone without using his head voice and has a very strong, soothing mid-range. He articulates every note that is played and sings from his heart and soul. Adam is an uber talented genius! Who else could sing with Queen? Plus he's a funny everyday guy! Who could ask for more?

Can't find any more superlatives to describe how Adam effects me when he sings (or even when he doesn't). But his voice is definitely the best I've ever heard. In my 83 years, I've loved Sinatra, Presley and many others, but have never been so completely addicted to anyone for a full six years and it just gets stronger all the time. Hope I live to see him on the very top... Where he belongs!
Love adam lambert so much! He is my entertainment forever. When he sings, his voices are all over you. When he performed, you felt him. When he talked, you wanted to be there to make sure every words he spoke you heard and he is the person who you will make your life meaningful just by listening to his song.
Not only is Adam Lambert a technically superb singer with a huge range, he is also one who can cause goosebumps and other visceral reactions with his live performances. Definitely top 10 for me.
It is an incredible feat for a trained voice to let go of that training and sing contemporary music. Adam has an amazing ability to control his voice while singing the most difficult things while making it look so easy. I love the sounds, emotions and range in his voice. But, even more than that is his commanding presence on stage. He could turn his back to the audience and still command the room.

In my lifetime (80 and counting) I have heard many wonderful singers and for me Adam Lambert is by far the best. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it! It's too bad others don't feel the same for whatever reason they give. They don't know what they're missing by not listening to his music. Hopefully that will change when "Trespassing" comes out on March 20th. - audiekorns
He is number one in my book. People need to see him sing on You Tube. He sings opera, musical theatre, hard rock, light rock, pop, and classical. He is the best vocalist bar none. I love Josh and many of these others, but no one can sing so many genres like Adam. Watch him live sometime. You won't believe it!
Adam Lambert has such amazing control, and incredible range. He also puts so much emotion into a song, and takes the listener to a special place. He is one of the best singers ever! Not only that, but he also puts on a fantastic show. He is an entertainer, not just a singer.
His voice envelopes and transports you to a new and beautifully exciting place. I never tire of hearing him sing and must have my daily listening quota. Every time I listen to his music I hear something new and hunger for more. True talent and such joy and energy. To see him in concert was one of the best musical experiences I have ever had. His kindness with fans, charitable generosity, and the delightful showmanship he posesses only add to his appeal.
"out of the world" voice, with incredible range and power. The studio recordings can't do this man's voice justice. He is by far the most talented singer I have ever heard live or recorded. The way he takes a song, old or new, and brings it to life is nothing short of brilliant.
He should be iconic in the music industry.
Technically Mr. Lambert's voice is superior to Freddie and MJ; however, they possess an originality and creativity that is still in its infant stage with Adam. Part of the reason is the inhibition of the current music industry. RCA records actually wanted to limit Adam Lambert to covers in future album (s) causing a departing of the ways. The whole pop music business seems to be self-limiting at this stage requiring everyone to fit neatly into a specific genre. Even on these prolific voice talent shows, I hear judges questioning "where someone would fit." This concept is absurd. Another issue I have with this poll is comparing generations. EDM & other artificial vocal embellilshments are ubiquitous & did not exist back in the day. If I were going strictly by vocal ability, interpretation, performance, I would have to say Adam Lambert is #1.
Oh my god, there are no words to describe Adam's talent. He deserves to be a legend, that star that everybody knows. He sings with a depth and a passion that most modern day singers couldn't possibly achieve. He can do things with his voice naturally that others need years of training and auto tune to even come close to matching. His songs need to be at the top of the charts, NOW.

There's a reason rock legends Brian May and Roger Taylor asked him to front Queen... it's a very deep and tough catalogue for a lead singer to tackle, but Adam Lambert has proven he can handle any of it, and blow audiences away gig after gig in the process. You have not lived until you've experienced him live in concert... it's a mind-blowing thing that words can't really describe!

All that's left now is for the rest of the world to finally REALIZE that we now have the greatest singer of all time in our midst!
Opera singers, you say? If Adam chose that path he would soar to the top, but, because his interest lies in pop music, that will be where he will make the name that all his legion of fans have been calling him since Idol... ROCK GOD!
Adam's talent is beyond compare today, and he's better live, totally thrilling! I'm constantly in awe of his tone, power, technique, range and song interpretation. He's also an amazing entertainer. You can't take your eyes off him. Off stage, the man is humble, kind, intelligent. Everyone who works with him even in the smallest way feels compelled to compliment him publicly.

He's the best singer I ever came across... Time for a change in the music industry... No place for the talent-less people in this industry... Adam's the perfect voice, the perfect entertainer... The one who can bring a change inside everyone... I've learned a lot from him.. And whatever I've achieved in my voice, the vocals, the way of hitting the notes... Is all from adam.. Hats off to my king!

Adam's voice has incredible range, control, agility and versatility. His lower register is strong and high register is very powerful. His singing technicality is well trained and unmatched. He also posses beautiful mid-tone and his interpretation of songs are amazing. He is my favorite vocalist and the best I have ever heard in my life.
Adam Lambert is possibly by far, THE BEST SINGER I KNOW. He's talented. His vocal range is so powerful and dynamic. Who can actually hit those notes? He does it like it's just a normal and effortless thing. And let's not forget his amazing charm and confidence. He can win audiences so easily and without sweat. He is truly the best one ever for me.
For the past two and a half years my days have been something to look forward to since Adam Lambert came into my life. Ever since, I listen to his angelic, powerful and fulfilling voice every day. When he sings, he touches every nerve in my body and it completely sends me into heavenly bliss.
Since American Idol I have adored Adam. He is so awesome. I am anxiously waiting for his new album TRESPASSING and new single Better Than I Know Myself. He is truly an artist, the way he plays to the audience he just wows you. His voice is fantastic and agree his voice has incredible range
Simply put, Adam has the pipes to always make you want to hear more of his music. Whether he's singing high notes, low notes, dancing to the music, or just interacting with the crowd, his charm and superior vocals stand out above all the rest of his peers.
Adam is the new Icon. We had Elvis, Michael and now its Adam. He really deserve the name Glam God because he is. Not only as an artist but as personality too. He's completely awesome!
Adam all the way! HI BABY! This WILL BE THE YR. 2012 THAT Adam steps into the spotlight.. While everyone else steps down.. He deserves to be there! No auto tune for him... No lip synching from him.. How many other artists can you say that about? He does not need other artist around him to get him anywhere.. He will do it on his own.. A few artists now are slipping and resorting too more popular artists sing with them... Appear with them... So on... And so on... Think about it... Rakastan # ADAM! WIGGLE... WIGGLE... WE ROCK OUT!
While Adam has a big voice with a large range, He has demonstrated that he is also versatile. He can sing any genre and make it believable, He also has a big presence on stage. He is an attention grabber and is able to bury himself in the character he is singing. You can see it when he finishes singing and it's like he has to step back into the real world. Fabulous!

Having seen him live 3 times in the UK I can honestly say he is the best singer/performer I have ever seen ( and I have seen a few. )
I queued up for 6 hours in the freezing cold to see him and would do it again in a heartbeat.
Adam Lambert has a voice that pulls you in to listen for more. His vocal range is amazing but it's what he does with the control and power at his disposal that is mesmerizing. There are other great tenor voices, but this one is the best to come along in decades.
Adam's is a talent that hasn't been fully recognized yet. He's sexy, funny, nice, humble, a man of GREAT character. All that and a voice that won't quit. It's incredible when he holds a note, changes it and continues to hold it beyond what's reasonable with fullness and strength. I'm going to really enjoy watching this artist grow into a force to be reckoned with.

Adam has a gift. His voice which he treasures so much that the rest of the world benefits from it. The range, perfect pitch and incredible versatility are just things he controls, like a magician controls his magic. His voice is beyond compare. He is also a deep, passionate man who will and has changed the world for the better, with his one love attitude!

Best I Ever heard on Glamnationtour in Birmingham, uk. Can't beat this guy, he is better than any other male singer I know of. His charisma and charm is one in a million. Dying to hear his new album and hope to see Him again on tour. Hope you win Adam!
Adam has one of the most unique voices wrapped in an outstanding humble sexy funny personality. Freddie had a 4 octave voice but not in concert and not on overdrive. Adam's strong full range voice should be on the top of the radio charts, it's their fault he's not. His music stands for something, his life too. He's not just drivel.
Adam's voice is like a living entity of it own, it envelops you and invades your very being. Adam the physical being exudes sex appeal and is a charismatic force like no other, combined he commands the stage and this experience should be on everyone's bucket list.. I now believe the legends of the sirens and pied piper, we have one in this century.

In the age of autotune and lip-synching, to hear Adam Lambert sing live is almost a religious experience. His technical vocal skills are unmatched by any singer, male or female, in popular music today. And, as evidenced by his current tour with Queen, he can sing any genre and gives the late, great and iconic Freddie Mercury a run for his money

I agree with Lambert when he said he will give you what you didn't know you want. Exactly. Gotta have a Lambert every day. From Pick - U - Up to Broken Open. He is a radiant chameleon who can change with a flick of a facial muscle.
Adam is my top singer. His vocal range is phenomenal along with his stage presence. He actually has it all the best voice, greatest moves, and he can re-arrange any song easily and usually make it better. Also he is good on the eyes and can converse with anyone.
Adam's voice is overpowering in live performance. His delivery is flawless. He has a presence, on stage, that demands you focus on him, and him alone. Are there other singers? I only need Adam's voice, and I am just hanging on, waiting for the release of his new single "Better Than I Know Myself", and new album, "TRESPASSING".
I love the tone, the clarity, the range, the emotion he puts into it. He never needs autotune! Plus he has the charisma and personality to match.
VOTE... Adam deserves this! He is a natural.. No auto tune for this Man! He will be the Icon from 2012 on! 
Remember how many times we heard.. Dog... You can sing the dictionary or phone book? Or how about SORTA nine inch nails... George Michael sorta thing?
He is simply the BEST. Adam can make me feel happy, sad, excited, sexy when he sings. There isn't anyone in the entertainment business like him, he is one of a kind and I love him so very much. He will be ICONIC as Paula Abdul stated. 

The voice, the professionalism, the delivery... He's a gift! He sings a songs and makes you feel it with a propensity for perfect pitch. The ballads are heart wrenching and the dance music hot.
Loved his great voice and great style from the very first perfomance on American Idol. I am a fan for life... He is a true Entertainer. Adam deserves a lot more attention from the American entertainment media and music community than he is receiving. Is it because he can sing and sell any song in his unique style for any music category?

I challenge anyone to listen to a side by side comparison of Adam Lambert and any other male singer. His vocal ability is so phenomenal that others pale in terms of range, tone, interpretation, breath control, and charisma onstage. His performances are unbelievable. What are you waiting for? Check it out now.
Adam Lambert without question is the greatest male vocalist alive. No question. His range, his power, his control, the absolute beauty of his voice are unparalleled. He could sing any genre or none, his voice is absolutely exquisite, and unmatched. He could easily stand among the greatest voices of all time, and I hope in time he will.

ADAM has brought back music to the music lover as it should be enjoyed. His vocal range & phrasing coupled with his on-stage (and off) charisma has been a source of pure pleasure for me for as long as when I first saw/heard him & I don't care to listen to anyone else except ADAM. If ADAM wasn't in music today... I wouldn't bother to listen to it!

Adam has made me a believer in the power of music once again. There is no one else currently who comes close to the way he interprets a song and makes the listener just want more and more and more! Aside from his extraordinary talent, he is a genuinely nice person when you meet, which I have had the privilege of doing so three times.

Adam can sing anything any style any genre he is amazing has a genuine talent and is the very best of his time and even the best in times to come there hasn't been a word invented to describe how good Adam can sing someone needs to come up with a single word that would do justice to the man super phenomenal
Adam Lambert is the full package. His voice is absolutely incredible. When he covers another artist's song, he owns it. His entire run on American Idol was glorious, not one bad performance and he owned every song he sang. The same with his performances on GLEE and the occasional covers during his own concert tour. Any man who can front Queen and sell out venues worldwide with his God given talent deserves to be at the top of this list. His two CDs are both stellar, chances are you haven't heard any song other than Whataya Want From Me, but believe me both CDs are full of potential singles but RCA failed to promote his music so there you have it. Thank goodness he parted ways with them. Hoping the third CD receives the recognition it deserves. Pick any song on either CD and I guarantee you it sounds better than the crap played on continuous rotation on the radio today.
Adam is wonderful, kind, generous, loving. values friendship. He has over. the top voice. Funny, a ham in entertainment, love him! I love his low tones of his voice, and his high notes are Beautifull! And when he jams freely, he even goes Higher. he can sing like a angel, and also like a devil! The Great Entertainment, he is so much more to Adam then we think or know. I would love him to sing LIVE. It must be mind blowing!
It's hard to describe a singer whose vocals are simply out of this world. Adam Lambert is an international star and his vocal range simply amazes me. Not only that, he's very gifted at keeping a crowd's attention. I'm totally mesmerized any time he performs!
No doubt about it. No one comes close to the vocal perfection that is Adam Lambert. Others have mentioned it; when he sings you feel the emotion of the song, His live performances are unbelievable. I have never seen anyone who with as much flexibility. I don't believe there is a genre out there that he couldn't execute perfectly.

There are not enough words to express what a wonderful artist Adam Lambert is! He is the total package and never ceases to amaze me... There IS no one that can compare to his ability to sing every song with his own passion and the love of singing is so apparent in every song he sings! There is no comparison!
Adam Lambert's voice is the voice of the heavens. It is hard to express what listening to him does to me, but it is magical. Not only his voice, but his performance level is as exciting and magical as his voice. He can sing opera to pop and anything in between.
Michael Jackson was in the business for a long time and was a great entertainer. Adam lambert at present is the best male singer and entertainer plus he is drop dead gorgeous. He looks like the son of Elvis Presley and he a a most talented singer. He is really a polished performer and has a voice that cannot be matched. SUPERB!

Adam Lambert is the BEST singer of this generation. I saw him in concert a few years ago and his voice was so beautiful I almost started crying. Just listen to his "Outlaws of Love" song he sang in Canada. Absolutely beautiful. Adam will always be the best.
Best male vocalist alive! Pair that with the showmanship he has and he's an absolute dream. Incredible live performer. There are things he does with his voice I didn't know even existed. I've been listening to his stuff for years now and he still manages to surprise me with his abilities. INCREDIBLE.
He is talented in so many ways: his voice is phenomenal, he is so articulate in interviews, has a great sense of humor, relates very well with his fans, love his costumes, he is handsome, he writes music, he dances and directs and choreographs, etc, etc, etc. This guy is one big bunch of talent and charisma. I love all he has to offer.

Adam has a voice that has become international. People around the globe, that don't speak English, sing along to his songs. His range hits the stratosphere. He has a tremendous amount of stage presence and every note he sings is spot on. Then the good looks and the fashion sense top off the package. An amazing performer

He is stunning in person. You feel his voice with every fiber of your being. He is so emotional when he song and will make astounding eye contact with his audience. Also nothing ever sounds the same. He has ability to take the same song and tell a new story with it every time. Perfect entertainer.
Adam has the most amazing vocals I've ever heard in my life! He has surpassed everyone because of his vocal range, stage presence, and his sex appeal is off the charts! Adam will be remembered for many years to come!
Adam's singing is transforming: I become happy, fulfilled, delirious, awed, inspired. He is an incomparable talent that surpasses all others; he is peerless.
Adam Lambert has the most awesome singing voice I've ever heard in my life. He's got such an incredible vocal range, high notes or low notes, is a fabulous entertainer and he simply is the best entertainer of all times.
As a supporter of young artists for years, I was blown away by Adam's voice. His range, versatility, power, and control are unsurpassed. He can sing almost any genre of music, and he deserves to be a worldwide superstar.
No one else comes close to the amazing vocal talent and skill of Adam Lambert. Freddie Mercury is closest, but still Adam is #1! He is the most versatile as well as the most powerful. A rare Counter Tenor, he is amazing!
Right here, right now, Adam is the best of the best. His voice is exciting and sexy. His musical improvisations are absolutely stunning. I love lots of singers for different reasons but when I heard Adam for the first time I knew he was someone no one could touch. A live performance by Adam will change your life.

Adam Lambert is the most talented EXCITING performer alive today! People can vote for Freddie Mercury and Michael Jackson till the cows come home but they aren't HERE! Adam IS! And he will knock your socks off! He is INCREDIBLE, Period!
I saw many of the greats of the 60s and 70s, and Adam Lambert is the same league with Morrison, Plant, and Hendrix! No one in todays music scene comes close to his combination of voice, charisma, and command of the stage!
Adam is definitely better than Freddie n Michael. He can sing literally anything! And can put his spin on it. He is a better live artist that Freddie and a better singer than Michael. His range is crazy and his voice is just incredible. Adam is one of the most charismatic singers ever.
Nobody compares with Adam Lambert's voice. And yeah, that was stupid idea to compare Freddie Mercury who alas has gone and now-days legend Adam Lambert.
Adam Lambert has the best voice in decades! His live performances are one of a kind and each one is amazing! "Who can sing those notes? " Why Adam Lambert of course!
Adam Lambert is such a great singer also amazing as him self could listen to his voice he all day long and the songs are out of this world he is such a cute amazing guy and would be a dream come true if I could meet him Adam Lambert your amazing and don't forget it your entertainment is brilliant and amazing

He is in such a league of his own. There is no other male singer around who can compare to Adam Lambert. His voice is so much more pleasant to listen to than Freddie Mercury. Freddie could hit high notes but could not sustain them for very long. I think Adam Lambert is a musical genius.
The only person in the world who could make me go around all day saying, "Get over it, Let go of it". This is now my new mantra. Thanks Adam So excited about new music.
If more people actually got to hear Adam's voice, there would be no contest. He has an amazing gift. It's not just his incredible range or the ease in which he uses it. It's also the range in which he can use it, the genres he can leap through. No singer has ever been able to cross so many styles with his perfection.

Adam Lambert's voice pours honey on the listener's soul. Regardless of the genre, his vocals are so powerful and so palpably emotive that they create a "soundbath" or a wall of sound that permeates your very being. Hearing him live is an experience that cannot be replicated on a studio recording or YouTube video. For me, he's the best singer of this generation, and a gift to us all.
He is an inspiration to all people who have been teased or bullied for being different. He shows that being normal is boring. He shows that being gay isn't a mistake. I admire him for that. 'enough said
Adam is a true talent. He's up there with Freddie Mercury as far as vocal ability goes. And that is an opinion share by Brian May and Roger Taylor as well!
Adam Lambert is the gift that keeps on giving. He is the most talented entertainer today. With his beautiful voice he sings from the heart and it goes right into my soul. I can't get enough. He is gorgeous, sexy, funny and smart. He's got it all and gives it all in his performances. I can't wait for his next album.

The other artist's listed her are deserving of recognition, but to ask who is the best singer today. Without a doubt it would be Adam Lambert. The richness, the raw emotion in his voice, not to mention range will blow you away if you have not heard him live.
Adam certainly has the technical skills and range to qualify as a top 10 singer, but he has more than that. In addition to skill and range, he also has sex appeal and infuses his songs with emotion that gives you goosebumps.
There are lots of "good" singers today... But Adam Lambert is an exceptional singer with an incredible voice. Just as importantly, he can sing almost any genre of music from rock to pop, from jazz to blues, from Irish tenor to raggae. His muscianship is outstanding. He can sing solo, or combine his voice and delivery to blend beautifully with any other singer he sings with. There is no other male singer today with more charisma, more range, more sex appeal, more dynamism, more sensitivity and more diversity than Adam Lambert. He is here for the long haul. He is the best male singer of this generation.

He is the only singer that I have heard that sounds better live than recorded. His voice is stunning!
No words - Just listen and become bewitched, bothered and bewildered by this fantastic musician who has THE best voice of this generation. Coupled with a caring, sharing attitude, wonderful humility and a passion for sharing with the world, this man is the WHOLE package.
Adam Lambert is absolutely AWESOME-Live, video, CD, Radio... All venues are beautiful when Adam sings!
Words cannot describe the intense emotion Adam's voice does to anyone that hears him live! His stage presence is beyond anyone I have ever seen!
Adam is a god in the Music Industry. Nobody alive can compare. I almost feel the Award Shows etc. are afraid to put him on stage and sing next to anyone. He'd put them all to shame. The most amazing voice.. the best of the best.. and to top it off he's beautiful, charming, sweet. charismatic.. I mean he is a god!

There's no doubt in my mind that Adam Lambert is the most amazing, charismatic, as well as sexiest singer in the world. I love his vocal range, whether he's hitting high notes or low notes. He's such a brilliant entertainer!
Adam Lambert is the most charismatic and technically skilled singer that I have ever heard. The combination of his ability to entertain and a voice that is mesmerizing and captivating, he is the whole package. Seriously one of the greatest performers ever born and in a league of his own.

His voice is unbelievable ; with such an amazing conviction and honesty that grabs your attention from the first note for that he is the best male singer in this time.
I have never followed an artist ever before., until Adam Lambert. I enjoy his voice so much that I listen to him everyday. Live he is mesmerizing.
Adam Lambert is THE best live singer on this entire planet, hand down! I have had the honor to see this for real, and I can assure you I am not lying!
Don't listen to my opinion. Just go on YouTube and listen to any one many fantastic performances by this young man! He is fabulous! Just hearing him makes one feel good.
No one uses full voice register like Adam. He has so much power and skills to produce those high notes he sings... It's so amazing that we have the best singer in the world in ours time. Adam cannot be topped by any new artist or legend. He is the best singer of generation.
His vocal range actually surpasses Freddie's Brian may said it himself, Adam he almost reaches 5 Octaves when it comes to high notes and can hit falsetto, belt, and reach the upper register with out straining AT ALL
Adam is he greatest singer of our time, he is a brilliant performer and showman and needs to be heard live to be truly appreciated. No need for lip sync and autotune, Adam is a real singer.
He has the most range and sing so many genres of music. Opera, pop, rock, soft rock, musical theatre, classical, you name it. No one else can do that.
Adam Lambert! His voice is insane like gold honey thru my veins the best singer EVER! He is my inspiration. never thought I could be such a big fan of someone like this legend born to be a STAR I'm a Proud Glambert and I will always support adam wish our glam god the very best of the world. can't imagine my life without him anymore. he light up my life january 30 2015 I go see him perform with Queen in Amsterdam like adam said Dreams can come true

Adam Lambert has the most powerful voice on this planet at present, I can't even describe that amazing voice properly, it sound like from some complex instrument or from an outer space specie, it is crazy. I don't know who else deserve to be "the best male singer" at present if he doesn't.

The world's greatest singer and entertainer is Adam Lambert. His vocal range is totally amazing, whether he's hitting the high notes or low ones. He also has great chemistry with the audience. He's my favorite!
Adam Lambert is by far the best male singer who has ever stepped foot on this planet. His vocal range is incredible, whether he's singing high or low notes, plus he is an absolutely astonishing crowd pleaser!
ADAM is phenomenal as a singer and a sensational performer. His exceptional talents simply overflows. He overwhelms. ADAM is an unforgettable experience. Simply, ADAM is the BEST!
His voice is perfection, the breath control and articulation are unequaled. His stage presence is based upon sexy, organic timing--the likes of which, I have never witnessed before.
Watching Adam perform live with Queen was without doubt the best night of my life. His outstanding vocal ability and magnetic presence were life changing. It felt as though he was singing to my soul. I just hope that he starts to get the wide-spread recognition that he deserves.

Adam Lambert has such an amazing vocal range and a beautiful tone to his voice and his technical ability and breath control are nothing short of remarkable. In a word... He is... GIFTED.
Adam is the best person in the whole world and He has an amazing voice. He is a Rock God. In addition he encourage people to live their lives in the way they want and feel proud about it.
Since I first saw Adam on American Idol, I knew he would be a star! His voice is beyond belief! His incredible stage presence and charisma put him above other current artists! Adam is an amazing performer and his astounding voice touches your soul! He is also a lovely human being!

Adam Lambert is by far the best singer ever! I love everything about him when he's on stage. He's gorgeous, a great dancer, a super entertainer and his vocals simply can not be matched.
Adam Lambert has one of the most memorable-unique voices in history. He has an insane range and pitch perfect. Can sing as high or as low as he wishes. He is a perfectionist when it comes to performances, whether its just 10 people or an arena of 1.5 million, he always sings his heart out.

Best male vocalist at present hands down! Not only a great vocalist, but a true showman and entertainer. I've never heard another performer who actually sounds better live in concert than on a recording, but Adam is incredible live! Can't wait to see him front Queen this summer.

Adam should be higher than Michael Jackson. Adam's range is ridiculous and the notes he can hit and hold are spellbinding. His touring with Queen this summer should prove this. People will stand up and take notice. He will impress everyone. Can't wait for his new album this year.

Never in my life have I been so touched by the beauty of the human voice as I have since the first time I heard Adam Lambert sing. His singing transcends time and space for me-and has changed my life forever. To add to this, he is a loving, courageous and generous soul-like no other.

I have to echo a previous poster. I have also seen Adam live and witnessed his voice resonating in my body like the drums in a rock concert. I have been to the concerts of many greats and have never been awed like I was by Adam. He is the best singer/performer in the industry today.

Adam has such a phenomenal and beautiful voice. He can hit low notes perfectly and his high notes are unbelievable. His emotion and connection with the fans is so amazing. I love this man so much and he is without a doubt the best singer currently and one of the best of all time.

I've heard so many greats live, and some multiple times. Freddie, Jim Morrison, Robert Plant, Tim Buckley, Steven Tyler, Steve Perry, Axl Rose, on n on n on... to Adam, he holds his own with the best of them, even if he wants to pop n roll. he's the best there is right now.
Just listen to his performance with the legendary rock band QUEEN at the European Music Awards (MTV) and you'll know why Adam Lambert is not only a great voice, but also an incredible performer on stage!
Adam has a voice that makes me feel like no other voice ever has, he sings to my soul. Add to that his stage presence and that he is known to be one of the most authentic, genuine, kind people and is gorgeous too, is a tough combo to beat. Can't wait for his new album, The Original High.

He has an amazing voice. Out of this world I love him can't wait for the second album - TRESPASSING!
Adam is the best male singer and the best all around entertainer. Who sings better than him and who is more attractive? The man is so charismatic and so humble at the same time. He does not go around telling people how good he is as a singer because we can figure that out just by seing him. He is so well dressed for any ocasion. You are left spellbound after seing him sing. He just gets better and better. No one compares to him.

Adam will go down in history as one of The Greats. I have heard wonderful stories about how amazing his voice is live, but as yet have only experienced the cd's dvd's and my old friend YouTube. I yearn for the day I get to listen live. He has won fans around the world, who are eagerly awaiting the next chapter. I'm in danger of rambling now, so will sign off with He's 'Simply the Best'
Great singer! He can melt my heart and make me breathless every time I hear his songs. I used to wonder how Elvis Presley made people crazy for the first time. But now I know when the first time I saw Adam's performance "Born to be wild" in American Idol. Love you forever, Adam :X:X:X

Adam's voice shakes your soul in a good way! He is a true artist with a stunning vocal instrument. Honestly, hearing Adam sing live in a huge arena is almost a religious experience... He can fill your heart, open your mind and give you chills! He's the best.
Adam Lambert is by far the greatest singer and entertainer of all times. His vocal range is amazing, whether he's hitting the high notes or low ones, he's a remarkable dancer, and a real crowd pleaser!
Adam Lambert is one of the most talented singers of our generation. He is also highly intelligent, gorgeous, sexy, loyal, truthful, and super nice to family, friends, and fans.
Adam Lambert is amazing. His voice soars throughout the world. Listen to the EMA's from November 6th where he sang with Queen on YouTube and you will understand what we mean.
I think Adam is the best singer in the whole wide world! Being able to MET him in person, I think he is by far the greatest (not only singer), but person in the world. He has a heart of gold, and is such an inspiration. He is a true talent, and desires to be at the top of this whole list!

Since the Beatles and the Moody Blues, there is NO ONE I would rather see live than Adam Lambert. It has been my supreme pleasure to see him several times live in concert and I have enjoyed his SO MUCH! His voice and expression is to die for! Love him!
Describing Adam Lambert is like a discussion about top quality dark chocolate. A good number of people can't live without... Beckons you and soothes your soul... And it's difficult to ever get enough.
Adam's voice is out of this world. He can sing anything and make it his own. His stage presence is magnetic and takes your breath away. I can't wait for his next album, Trespassing. I know it will be epic.
Adam Lambert is the most incredible singer I have ever heard. He can bring me to tears with his sincerity one moment then make me want to party the next. Adam is my favorite.
Adam is said by some to have a four octave range and unequaled technique in the world of rock music. His voice can't be categorized and he does things only opera singers can do. He also sound infinitely better live, which is quite a feat these days. His voice is beautiful.

An entertainer. Great singer. One of the best male voices of all times, me thinks, besides having sex appeal, an amazing body (six feet tall, of heavy size). He's definitely the sexiest man of this list.
Best live vocal performance I have ever heard! He is truly one in a billion, no one can compete with him in today's world. His range is incredible and he surprises me all the time with the things he can do with his voice. Adam's control is amazing and mind blowing. We are lucky to be able to experience his performances today! Adam, Freddie, and MJ are my favorite vocalist of all time, only one of each. LEGEND IN THE MAKING!

Adam is a phenomenal entertainer. He is so charismatic that you can't help but love him. His voice touches your soul and makes your heart sing. There is no one like him. Adam is one in a million and I'm honored and thrilled to be part of his fandom.
I don't even have the words to describe the beauty Adam is. His voice is the most amazing thing I've ever heard in those 20 years I'm walking on this planet. All I can say is that he's perfect in my eyes.
Adam Lambert's range is amazing. He can sing anything and make it his own. He sings with his heart. His singing is so beautiful, clear and full of emotion. He is by far the best of this generation.
There isn't an artist past or present who can match Adam's chameleon like ability to perform all genres of music with equal perfection. He is the best vocalist ever.
Adam Lambert has the most remarkable voice I've ever heard in my life. He's charming, can sing the high as well as low notes, and simply can keep a crowd begging for more.
Adam Lambert has a phenomenal voice like no other. He's very entertaining to watch on stage, is particularly gifted in hitting the high and low notes. He is the greatest singer of all times.
The man has the ability to takes musical notes where they have never gone before! He is brilliant as an singer and entertainer and is a genuinely kind human being.
According to Roger Taylor of the legendary band Queen, Adam Lambert has one in a hundred million voice. I absolutely agree with Mr Taylor.
Adam is one of the most versatile singers on the planet today. His range is unsurpassed and his vocal ability is stunning. His ranking should be much, much higher.
Since I need to enter something about Adam, there it is: the BEST MALE SINGER since Freddie Mercury. Even a bit better! There! Said it. And I am an original Freddie fan.
It's a crime Adam being #33. He is the best vocalist around. Not sure why people can't see what is what beyond his sexuality. He is the best. Period.
Adam hasn't been around long enough yet to have garnered the accolades of MJ, Freddie, or Elvis... But he has the goods & is on his way. He could be their spiritual son. He is a consummate performer with a one in a billion voice. His current worldwide tour with legendary Queen is absolutely stunning! I'm proud to say that I've now seen him four times in concert & he just slays every performance.
He should be higher on the list in my opinion. He is an amazing singer and performer giving so much love to his fans. I can't wait for his new album and for this star to take the world by storm.
Just amazing how someone's voice is so fluent between all the intervals. The mix of his head-chest-falsetto just makes him better than any artists on this world.
I am a Senior who has been through the 70's, 80's, 90's etc. and Adam has one of the best voices I have ever heard. Plus, he is entertainment personified on stage. Don't ever miss one of his concerts if you can help it. You will never be disappointed. Adam Lambert is sensational.

Adam's instrument is without limits and his delivery is so effortless. I don't believe we or he even know what his voice is capable of yet. I love that he still pushes in spite of already having far and away the best voice in the industry.
Adam Lambert's voice makes me feel like no other ever has. I've always had a deep emotional attachment to music back to early childhood, but when Adam sings, from his beautiful lower register to the heights of his upper register, he gives my heart goosebumps.

Technically as brilliant as it gets. As for the stage shows, they are completely out of this world. The notes he belts in full chest voice up to the highest 5th octave notes seem effortless for him. But for any other artists, they are practically unreachable.

Adam Lambert can sing ANYTHING and do it convincingly. He is a musical genius who has worked very hard to develop his instrument. Not only that, his performances blow audiences up. He knows how to control an audience and mesmerize. No one like Adam Lambert.

Adam Lambert is a brilliant singer and performer. There is no one like him in the world right now. He should be number one on this list.
Never been a fan of anyone until this fierce talent invaded earth with his awesome charisma, beauty and wit (the total complete package). He is natures force of love and positivity.
The finest voice of his generation. His stage presence is extraordinary and he is intelligent, generous, and loyal. Wish him great success with his new album, "Trespassing" in early 2012.
Adams vocal range cannot be matched- he is the best singer/entertainer in the music world today. Plus he is humble, genuine and real.
His voice is incredible and his music gets me dancing and feeling happy. He is a great singer and person! Can't wait for his new Album!
Adam is amazing, he has a beautiful voice, he is the BEST singer, I LOVE HIM forever! He is perfect! Can't wait for his next album out soon
I don't think words can describe how amazing this man is! He is Super Talented, beautiful, his voice make you shiver ( in a good way) You can't just sit still when you are listening to his music you have to get up and Dance! I have seen him live and he is tremendous!

The BEST, most exciting singer on the planet! Can sing any genre, and seeing him perform LIVE is beyond amazing! Besides that one in a billion voice, he's gorgeous, sexy, charismatic, fun, and always his authentic self! SIMPLY THE BEST!
Adam Lambert has a voice that is rare in the music industry. His ability to sing any genre is amazing, he can hold a note for 25 seconds, blew concert goers away fronting for Queen during their tour, and has the whole package going on.
Adam Lambert commands your attention immediately he strides on stage and his voice holds it - long after he has left. He is the consummate performer.
I love Adam Lambert, he's cute, funny, really nice and well mannered! He is a GREAT song writer and singer the best hands down!
I can't stop watching his videos on YouTube. Not only concerts but interviews too. He is so hearty, expressive and I like his accent. I am from Europe and I use my own language but when I hear what he talks and understand almost all words, I feel him closely

Adam Lambert is just amazing! How many singers can sound even better live?! The fact that Queen asked him to front them speaks volumes! You go see him live once and it's over, you will never be satisfied seeing anyone else and will be dying to see him again!

Adam Lambert's voice is something really special. He's the best singer ever! And he's songs are very very good and every song has a special message. Adam look good too, that's a bonus
Nobody can sing like Adam Lambert. His voice is one of those voices that comes around once in a lifetime. His voice is crazy good.
Adam Lambert has by far the best voice ever. He should be much more famous. Hopefully he will be when his new album comes out soon
Can't say enough good things about Adam Lambert and his beautiful voice... He has such an amazing tone and range in his voice, including the ability to express a rainbow of emotions through his ability to interpret any song he sings.. Jaw dropping good!

Not since The Beatles have I enjoyed an so much! I see Adam Lambert live in concert every chance I get. I once won a private radio concert and brief meet n greet with Adam and it was one of the happiest days of my entire life! His voice soars to the heavens!

I've never had the same feeling when I've heard any other singer then I do when I hear the angelic voice of Adam Lambert! He Is in my opinion The Best Singer of this age and I just adore his personality and sex appeal and he's a fantastic entertainer too!

Share my opinion that Adam Lambert is the most amazing living vocalist and performer in the world? Sure, because I believe it with every fiber of my being. I've been around long enough to see most of the greats, and Adam has staked his claim among them.

Adam Lambert is my favorite artist ever! Just saw him live and not only does he have the best voice ever, he is so friendly and truly cares for his fans. He doesn't need a lot of fuss on stage, his voice and pretty face does all the work! This guy is a LEGEND!

Many alive today have never seen or heard a live, LIVE, performer like Adam Lambert. You cannot believe the power that he has over that 3-octave voice, recordings can't come close. Then the sheer entertainment of his on stage persona, simply stunning

Best male singer today! And, in my opinion, one of the best ever. It is too bad that a current singer is competing against 2 that have passed away. I like David A, he has a great voice, but he is not a performer-Adam is an entertainer in every sense of the word!

Adam's voice sends chills down your back! His power and control and pure beauty of sound have to be heard by the world. He is special... so say the most respected music people in the world.. Love him and his voice and performances..
Adam is by far the best singer in the music industry right now. His range is out of this world. Could listen to him sing all day
I haven't heard anyone sing like Adam in a very long time, he can sing live, he draws me into his songs. I could go on forever
Adam is the best singer alive today, in all aspects. With his technical ability, his artistry, his versatility and his projection of feeling. Not to mention also his showmanship and the fact that he is also a beautiful human being inside and out.

Adam is the best live performer there is. He has an incomparable range, showmanship that excites, a delivery that draws you in and a personality that captures your heart. Best singing ability with a handsome presence. He is absolutely Perfect!

He's got the whole essence of a true performer, something we haven't seen for a long time! His vocals are untouchable!
Nothing to say but GENIUS! He can handle his voice stamp even! A great singer with huge technique as well as a brilliant author able to dress up technique with emotion
People can have differing taste in the type of music they like to listen to or not like a certain singer's tone or phrasing, but there can be no debate as to who has the best technical voice out there today. Adam Lambert will forever get my vote.

Magnificent rich voice with incredible range, great performer, unique style, heart of gold. Performance with Queen at EMA's blew the roof off.
Adam Lambert made me want to listen to the music again - his voice makes me feel the music as no other singer has done before. I have only seen him in concert once (with Queen) and that was the best concert experience of my life - he is mesmerizing!

Adam, put simply, is the best in the world in my opinion. His future has no limits. Given time, Adam will dominate the international music world.
No contest. This man's voice bores a hole deep into your heart and soul and his voice has the power to change the world.
Adam Lambert is pure magic. How can you explain a voice that is a gift from the Gods. Exquisite. Seeing him live makes you addictive for life. He just owns any stage with his presence and hearing his voice live is beyond any know superlative!

Adam Lambert should be #1. In all of my years on this earth, no one has the voice or stage presence that Adam has. No words can describe this man. He is like no other! I have seen him many times and met him. He is the sweetest person. He should always be #1!

There is no other singer who matches adams charisma or aura and amazing voice. You cannot take your eyes off him...
Adam is the best live singer in the world at the moment, hands down. He delivers a show that has you mesmerized.
Amazing voice, amazing style, amazing looks, amazing personality, amazing sense of humour, amazing way he treats his fans, amazing how open he is, amazing how nice he is. He's like the best singer who has 100% of any kind of existing perfection!

Huge range and rare versatility. He can sing anything from pop to rock to soul to musical theatre to classical.
Adam deserves to be in the top 3 at least. David Archuleta? PLEASE! That's just insulting. Adam has an AMAZING voice!
If you're looking for pure God given talent and a REAL VOICE that has the ability to move mountains than you've got to listen to Adam Lambert! No one better today!
Hands down the Best Male vocalist of our generation! Don't believe me Trust Queen Brian May and Roger Taylor say Adam Lambert has brought them New Life, he can do things with his voice they have never heard before. High Praise Indeed!

The most amazing singer anywhere, period. Amazing vocal range and control and connects to an audience live.
Adam Lambert is, in my opinion, the best male vocalist to come around in my lifetime. What he does with his voice it unreal. His range is otherwordly. His talent is unmatched. He's not given nearly enough credit. It's a shame. His name should be a known by everyone. I know he is destined for superstardom. I don't know what everyone in the business is afraid of. He is AMAZING! He is a ROCKSTAR

Adam is an amazing performer. He sings better life than he does on his recordings. He is so passionate and happy to be where he is now. He is an amazing musical artist as well as person. He has a Mich greater impact than some may believe.

Adam Lambert is the best singer at this time and one of the best looking singers of all time. He is unique. He is so charismatic and loving! He deserves to be famous for every time he sings he gives a show. No one can sing better than Adam.

See him live just once... And you will have no choice but to be in awe of his vocal power. The best there is... Period.
He has the most beautiful voice. In my opinion, he is the greatest singer of all time.
Adam Lambert was born to be a legend! His vocal power, undeniable charisma, fabulous stage presence and kind heart make him a true star. Ask Nile Rodgers, Avicii, Brian May, Roger Taylor, Boy George and Meat Loaf if you don't believe me!

No doubt he's the best vocally. His phrasing, breath support, texture, depth, etc. Is second to none. He can sing rock and roll and opera. Who do you know can do that?
Amazing classically trained singer and all round performer and best artist on the music scene today!
That vocal range, that depth...his performances are entirely under his control, and those powerhouse vocals have the ability to make you feel consumed by the emotions they elicit. He voice is the star of his music, no matter how catchy the instrumental. He is exhilarating, and I commend him for being a dynamic and strong individual in the world of modern pop and electronica.

Adam Lambert is by far the best. His voice is out of this world. People must see him live to appreciate this man. Once they do there is no turning back. He is an incredible singer, gorgeous, sexy, funny, nice... You name it he is. One of a kind!

Perfection! His voice draws you in and refuses to let you go! You wouldn't want it to either! More More More!
Adam makes Elvis look like an amateur... When I met him in 2010 I told him that... Adam will go far as soon as EVERYONE hears and sees him... Can't wait for his new album... Hopefully USA radio with embrace it and give him the exposure he deserves...

Adam is a fabulous singer with such beautiful control of his instrument. On top of this he's an incredibly charismatic performer. You must see him live!
Incredible singer, incredible performer and an even more incredible human being! I simply adore him!
The genius that he is, he needs to be higher in that darn poll, ha :-) There is only one Adam Lambert, after all.
Adam's vocals fill an arena with clarity of sound as his personality interrupts the words and there meaning though his trained singing but most importantly Adam's singing moves my emotions leaving me wanting more music.

He is the best singer I've never heard before! His vocal range is unbelievable! He is very beautiful, he is so talented and he sings very well! Adam, I will love you for ever and ever!
Adam Lambert had the most amazing voice. It touches your soul! He is the Greatest singer alive today. His range is unsurpassed. He has Charisma, Style and Kindness in his heart. Once people meet him or hear him, they fall in love!

He is amazing, the most exciting person to ever come from American Idol, he totally stood out from the start. He is super sexy, and has the voice to match.
I have listened to Adam every day for the last five years... He is totally addictive and he can sing any genre of music.. to top this off he is an incredible performer, better live than anyone I have heard.
Can't believe Adam isn't in the top 5. Most musical experts agree his voice is, to Quote Queen's drummer. "One in a hundred million".
If you took every singer mentioned.. voted for. and put Adam Lambert on Stage next to them... He would blow them all away. ALL OF THEM.
He hits notes like nobody else... all kinds of amazing notes..
Even Mercury would agree. Lambert is one of the most underrated and overlooked Artists in the world today. USA must be deafer than deaf not to know
What they have in him...
There aren't words to describe how amazing Adam Lambert's voice is! He is by far one of the most versatile and dynamic singer of this generation. His vocal range is out of this world and he can put on one awesome show! Love him!

He is the best, sexiest, most awesome, beautiful singer I have ever seen and heard. I can't really describe him in words. You know the saying 'A picture is worth a thousand words'? That's what he's like. You can't really describe him.

Adam has an incredible range and the ability to interpret each song in multiple ways. He knows his craft and how to use his voice to obtain his vision of a song. The best part is that Adam only at the beginning of his career.

Adam Lambert is the best ever with or without accompaniment. He can sing anything low or high. Michael Jackson was a better dancer but did not sing better than Adam. They both have such charisma. Adam is the whole package.

Adam's voice is uniquely awesome, having the versatility to bring to excellence his styling, power, and poignancy to any genre of song he tackles.
I love everything about Adam Lambert, the man, the music, the inspiration, and the spirit! I think he is a beautiful person inside and out... I adore him!
Adam has an ARENA voice He is gonna go so far. I've loved him since he was on American Idol and I'm so excited to see what this new era of Adam is to bring
He's THE BEST! Adam can seriously, melts everyone's heart after listening to his song. HE'S AWESOME AND SUPERB AND I LOVE HIM
Adam Lambert has this unique voice, and style and friends and he is, to my opinion, a gentle and caring human being. He still respects and values all the other humans and animals and nature. And music. He has done very respectfully tours with The Queen and this is of course doing and preserving our common history with style and dignity. He is our starchilds, one of them.

His voice has a great range and different styles to suit different genres of songs. He sounds like an angel when he sing soft and slow songs, but so powerful when singing rock songs. This shows his voice is very flexible!

Saw him on tour live and it has been the best concert I've attended. his singing is top-notch and Adam is without a doubt one of the few artists in the music industry alive that sound better live than on studio recordings.

Adam Lambert's voice is the best I have heard since Freddie Mercury! His range is out of this universe. He is going to be around for a very long time!
Adam Lambert is awesome man because I think he really knows what to do and how to do. I'm not American but thanks to this guy I started thinking about the USA in much positive way than I used to. Be healthy and wealthy Adam

THE most talented and versatile singer and all round entertainer on the music scene today!
Oh, wow. I Didn't expect him to be on here... I never see my favorite sing winning anything lately. Well Done Adam! :D After seeing Michael Jackson and Freddie Mercury on here I thought he would have no chance! :) Again well done!

Adam Lambert is the best vocalist in today's music world. Incredible quality, incredible control, incredible range and incredible interpretation of music. Need I say more. no one comes close to his quality of voice

Adam is the most talented singer out there today. He is an awesome entertainer and to experience his performance is a complete thrill. I was fortunate to see him perform 4 times last year. Adam Lambert is spectacular.

Beautiful voice and interpretations! Can improvise. Has and amazing volume and is also able to sing a small song. Very special unique talent!
Adam Lambert is just without question-----the BEST entertainer to walk onto a stage since Elvis---and that is saying a lot!
Adam Lambert is my favorite of all time. That man can sang and even though critics are always raving about his high range, which I love too, but his lower register is unbelievable. Listen to his Runnin' song on YouTube.

Adam's voice is a gift from the Gods. There has not been a superlative great enough to describe it! He and his voice are just so damned exciting!
Adam Lambert - THE VOCALIST to be watching right now. Check out his artistry this week when he debuts his new single: Better Than I Know Myself
Adam Lambert is simply the best. When he sings he gives himself body and soul, this being wonderful is a gift given to us by God. His voice transcends the limits, makes us dream. He is the best without a shadow of a doubt.

Adam Lambert is the best at everything, his voice is amazing! No one can beat him. His range is unbelievable. He can act... and have you heard him give interviews... So intelligent! Gorgeous, sexy and nice. I could go on and on!

He has the most amazing voice. It touches my soul. Hopefully, we can get some more Glamberts to vote on this poll.
His voice is outstanding and he has the looks and stage presence to make him stand out above all other performers
The best singer I've come across in my lifetime. Connects to music like no one I've ever seen.
Adam has a pretty unique voice that fills the room. Amazing range too. And great technique.
He is the most amazing live... Current male singer out there.. And he has the it factor... Big time!
Best male voice on the planet. I am a music lover with over 1000 tracks on my iPod and I knew when I heard him that I would never hear another singer like him in my lifetime.
Adam Lambert has the voice of an angel, always on pitch, never needs autotune. Large booming voice, and he seriously must have a third lung.
He is the best period! Plus being beautiful doesn't hurt! Oh and he just a really great guy
The range, power and control of his voice combined with his innate ability to interpret any song with sensitivity and feeling makes him easily the best singer of his generation and among the best of all time.

Adam Lambert has the voice of an angel. He has impacts on lives and he can change the world with his voice. An amazing man. Amazing live too, very interesting show! Never get bored watching or listening to him sing.

Adam Lambert is the best, hands down.
He's got a huge range in his voice. He can go ridiculously high. There is no way you can sing any of his songs without bringing down the pitch. Even girls have a hard time with singing his songs! You get to feel them.

Adam Lambert... Best voice on the planet. Voice of an angel and mind of a genius. He can't be compared to anyone. He is uniquely magnificent.
Adam is amazing he's sexy, hot, lovely, have a great voice he's the best singer 
Adam is simply THE BEST. His voice both uplifts and soothes. Wish him every success.
The most exciting multi faceted singer and entertainer on the music scene today!
Adam Lambert is a gifted singer. To attend one of his concerts is electric. I went to 11. He is addicting. His stage presence is terrific.
Best vocalist currently. Probably ranks amongst top 5 male vocalists of all time.
Anyway, Adam Lambert is the best singer! The most perfect rock star, the most beautiful voice, the most kind heart, the most gorgeous, handsome, beautiful, incomparable man! I love him all my life! He is my king!

Adam Lambert's voice has a five octave range, he has had opera training, and never needs autotune. He's the only one who can do Queen songs justice since Freddy Mercury passed away.
There isn't enough words to describe how talented adam lambert is! All I know I have never followed an artist like this in my life!
Adam is the most emotive and beautiful singer I've ever heard, and a beautiful human being too. Simply the best of his generation.
Is simply one of the best voices of our generation! He is bold and unashamed of who he is and has the best vocal range today period!
Simply Amazing! He's got it all. The looks, the voice, and a great personality! His voice just makes you melt.
He is the only male singer in the world that has the vocal range that he has which sounds really pleasing and awesome. He is easily the best singer for me.
Best vocalist alive. Adam can sing anything and puts on a fantastic live show.
The most exciting singer out there today.. and he's only at the start of his career. The guy is staggeringly good.. puts shivers up your spine when he hits his big notes. Rivals Ted Neely's awesome big notes.

There is no question, Adam Lambert is the best singer, performer. Don't take my word for it, watch EMA MTV performance with queen.
Ok Freddie and Michael I can understand why they're in the lead, but please... David Archuleta, I mean he's cute and all, but a better singer than Adam Lambert. Not even worth commenting further

No one has the vocal range that Adam Lambert has. He puts raw emotion into every song he sings. He is a 100% performer, you can't watch him without being captivated by his talent. Plus he is drop dead gorgeous!

If you're not voting for AL, you haven't heard him sing! Absolutely fantastic!
Simply the Best... See hm once live and you will be a fan. That's a promise. Phenomenal voice... And beautiful to look at.
Running out of words here, need to get me a thesaurus and just copy all the superlatives I can throw at Adam. Simply the best.
Adam seems to represent the best of the past (Freddie, Elvis, Michael) while being totally contemporary and modern. No one else today has his combination of voice, charisma, showmanship and looks.

Adam should most definitely be at the top of this list. He is by far the most incredible singer EVER! He has the most amazing range, dynamics and power, I have ever heard from any singer dead or alive.

Best singer today. Period. Best part is that his voice soars live, records pale in comparison though they are amazing too
Hopelessly addicted to this mans gorgeous voice. He can sing many genres and all sound awesome.
Love his vocals, best voice in decades! New Album Trespassing in Spring 2012!
In my humble opinion, Adam Lambert is the best singer. His musical techniques are superb and so well trained. His vocal range is insane! And his stage presence is AMAZING!
Adam has amazing voice range! Can't wait for his new album "Trespassing"!
Adam Lambert... Wow where to begin with, his incedible voice that has great range and he can control and hold it perfectly! His amazing dancing skills that oozes sex appeal and he looks so hot and wild while dancing! His uncomparable beauty, sparkling warm eyes and adorable smile! His glittery and leathery fashin style which is really hot and so cool! Let's not forget about his golden heart his beautiful soul and his kindness! I love and adore Adam Lambert! He is really special and unique!

OK, so maybe 1 and 2 more than deserve to be ranked above Adam Lambert at this stage of his career but he has the best voice in decades and the best of his generation, potentially the best voice ever.

Adams voice is truly amazing. His voice is so dynamic his tone so rice. He has a multi octave range, he can hold a note for 22 seconds. He can sing any style of music. He is charming, and very hard working.

The only artist on this list that whose vocals are even in the same realm as Adam's is Freddie.
Starting to run out of words to describe Adam Lambert. Voice like a siren with lungs of steel.
Adam has one of the best voices out there right now hope every one begins to realize it. So excited for new album trespassing and the new snippet of the song "Better Than I Know Myself " is great!

Adam is the most amazing singer in our generation. He blows me away every time I hear him sing a song that I have heard hundreds of times. I shake my head in absolute awe.
Adam's voice is unsurpassed! His range is out of this world. Hearing him live is something I will never forget--his voice penetrates your soul.
Adam Lambert definitely knows how to put on a show. And his vocals are amazing! He can sing super high and, even if he doesn't show it that often, low, too. Just search for "Adam Lambert Light Falls Away", it's one of his pre idol-songs and it doesn't sound like him, but it is him, he just sang another style than in other songs. He is so amazing! So amauing.

Adam Lambert has a beautiful voiced with amazing range and breath control. He consistently delivers unbelievable vocal performances and it makes him the best male singer on the scene.

Phenomenal talent! His vocals are sheer perfection.Topped with his impressive range, charisma, and his love for theatrics, I don't believe there is anyone that could top his performances!

Adam's emotions and his vocal power, control and incredible range shine through on his recordings and in his live performances. His voice will never fade away for it will always be legend.

He is the best male singer alive today. Who else could step into Freddie's shoes and do the Queen catalogue justice?
Adam Lambert is amazingly talented. His voice just moves me to tears at times, it's so emotional. He is kindhearted and has such charisma and is sexy! He has the best voice of this generation!

Adam Lambert captivated me when he was on AI. I had to go see him in concert. Believe me, he was mesmerizing. I play his music all the time. Cannot wait for his next album.
By far the best contemporary male vocalist. To loosely quote the legendary Brian May of Queen in a recent interview: ' Adam can do things with his voice that I've never heard anyone else do'

Adam Lambert is by far the best singer on the planet right now. When he sings you feel the emotion he puts out. It hits you in your heart. His range is amazing and he can sing any genre! Love him!

Adam is the absolute most amazing voice I've ever heard... And that's saying something since I listen to all genres and I love music from all periods of time. Adam Lambert is simply godlike.

Adam Lambert is the epitome of a singer. He can dance, he has phenomenal stage presence, he's voice is unique and he's absolutely gorgeous! And adding to all this, Adam has the biggest heart!

Adam Lambert has a voice like no other. Not only does he have incredible range, but the way he hits notes is amazing. The fact that he is fronting Queen on tour this summer speaks volumes.

Adam's voice is simply unbelievable. Seeing him perform live on YouTube, and listening to his rendition of "Mad World" has convinced me beyond doubt that he is the face, and voice, of pop!

Adam has saved me with his music on several occasions. At times I've not wanted to carry on but listening to him and his amazing voice well... He's the best singer to emerge for many years.

Adam Lambert's vocal range is truly amazing!... Hearing him sing live at a concert is literally an out of body experience... I get chills just thinking about it!... He has a voice like no other!

Adam Lambert can sing anything and bring incredible soul and fun to every interpretation. And he is the ultimate charismatic entertainer. Just watch him with Queen! Just love him.

He is the best singer on the planet alive today, no one alive on this list can touch adam. Without conjecture roger taylor from queen has called adams voice one of the best of all time.

Adam has incredible control of his voice, his range is unparalleled! Beautiful intonation. Need I say more?
Adam Lambert's voice is pure and exquisite. I have never felt such emotion when I hear Adam sing. His voice commands you to listen. I have never experienced this with another singer.

Adam Lambert is one of the best performers. His voice is like no other. I could listen to him all day. I hope "Trespassing" takes him to the top. It is terrific getting new music from him.

No voice has ever made me feel what Adam's does. From his lowest register to those unimaginable high notes and everything in between his voice is about as perfect as I can imagine.

He's made me listen to and LOVE music genres I'd never ever given a second thought before. His voice makes every song to something special and is PURE magic!
My favorite vocalist is Chester Bennington, but I'm voting for Adam because I've loved his voice since I was six or seven, when I first started watching American Idol. He's awesome!

I can probably understand Michael Jackson and Freddie Mercury being rated higher, due to longevity and popularity, but David Archuleta? Is there no poll his few fans won't spam?

There is singing and there is SINGING. Adam Lambert can SANG - his range is far superior to any of these other singers listed here.
Elvis and Freddie have gone. Adam is alive, and likely has his best years ahead of him. As someone who loves music, I look forward to what this talented man will bring to his public.

My vote for best male singer goes to the talented Adam Lambert. Adam Lambert is the most generous performer I've seen, and I've seen some of the greats, including Freddie Mercury.

He has a beautiful voice and there is nothing he can't sing. He can have you jumping & singing or bring you to tears. To see him perform live fills me with joy.
There is no better singer, artist, performer or showman in the world today than Adam Lambert! He lights up every stage with his talent and Charisma. He is an artist of a lifetime!

Not just a gorgeous face but also one of the most talented vocalists to hit any stage. Superb vocals and a natural on the stage.
I love Adam Lambert! Better than I know myself is Awesome! I cannot wait to hear this in concert live! I cannot believe we have to wait until March be bore we can buy Trespassing!

Adam is one singer who has perfect pitch and a stratospheric range that includes every note that a guitar can play... amazing!
Best ever in my humble opinion! Adam has a gift and it is so effortless for him to without a doubt out sing anyone else on the planet! Most gorgeous male voice I have EVER heard!

Love him and his voice. He should be the next great pop/opera/musical theatre/rock/classical star! I could listen to him sing nursery rhymes all day.
Adam has the most amazing voice today! I love him can't wait for his second album- Trespassing!
Extraordinary voice. Wonderfully exciting performer. Honest generous man. But it's all about the voice. Just give a listen! Man can sing anything from Opera to Rock to Pop.

Adam Lambert has the most amazing voice I have ever heard! And being at one of his live performances, let's just say it's the closest to an out of body experience I've ever had!

Freddie Mercury is not as good a vocalist as Adam Lambert. People are blinded by their love for Mercury that they over exaggerate his voice and think he is untouchable.

Adam's voice has brought me out of dark places. It is not just the power and beauty, but he sings love every time he opens up.
Adam has a voice like no other. It goes right thru you, wraps itself around you and takes you away.
I've been to literally 100's of concerts and NEVER heard a voice like Adam's live. To say you can feel his voice in your body doesn't even capture the sensation. I've been fascinated to watch his progress perfecting his craft, image and performances. Once he locks in to the right combination I believe he wll be unstoppable!

Adam Lambert is right up there with Freddie Mercury. His voice is incredible, and he is an outstanding showman. He is a VERY close second to the amazing Freddie Mercury.

Best singer ever in my opinion. His vocal range is incredible. There's a certain texture to his voice that is unlike any other. His voice is pure. It is quite an instrument.

I love this man his talent is endless. He is the most by far humble singer I have ever seen he lives his fans and goes out of his way to give back to them what they give to him.

Adam has phenomenal range and control of his voice. He truly is amazing to listen to, especially live. Even opera singers talk about his vocal quality and abilities.

Adam has the most pure, beautiful voice of any male singer alive! Aside from his amazing vocal ability, Adam is a wonderful entertainer and a treat to see in concert!

No other pop/rock singer out there today can match Adam's range, feeling, and showmanship. No one! Plus, he's one of the sexiest men on the planet.
When Adam sings my heart sings with him. He is amazing, brilliant, exciting, mesmerizing and as I listen to him pour his heart out in song I feel an indescribable joy..

He is the best singer of this generation absolutely fantastic
I'm gonna come and re-vote as many times as it takes. Okay, no jks Michael and Freddie deserve to be at the top. Adam Lambert definitely deserves to be at #3. This man has the voice of a angel. He is just awesome. He can sing great and even looks damn good doing it. This man is THE BOMB! Damn you haters.
I knew from the first time I heard him at his Idol audition this guy was a rare talent. He has reaffirmed this conclusion every time I have seen him perform. #iconic

Adam Lambert stands alone in today's world of music artists. How can I describe the best voice I've ever heard. Adam certainly is amazing.
Bring on his new music - early 2012
Adam Lambert has the most beautiful voice I have ever heard. Can't wait for his new single... no one else comes close
No other singer can compare to Adam Lambert's voice.. He's simply the BEST! I'm a fan forever..
Adam is the best thing that has happened to the music business since Elvis! He is an amazing entertainer ---I will be seeing three Queen/Adam concerts this summer!

Just listen to the 30 sec snippet of his new single and that will be all you need to understand the talent of this incredible singer! Just beautiful in all aspects

Adam is just an amazing person inside and out. His voice is so strong, powerful, and over all flawless! Even though I've never actually SEEN him live, the videos and acoustic CDs are GLAMAZING! He is pure talent. Can't wait for Trespassing!
The best male singer in pop music today with killer vocals. His live performance skills will keep you mesmerized and so entertained that time has no meaning. - marianb.painter

The complete performer with the best voice and clearly exceptional skills! Add his personality and pure energy and you've got the BEST SINGER ALIVE TODAY!

Amazingly gifted singer, who has an aura that draws one and can make one literally feel the lyrics. Have not witnessed anyone before with this ability ever.

Adam has such a powerful voice and when he performs he owns the stage. For me he is one of the most talented singers in the last years.
Adam Lambert is a magic man! I'vealso run out of words to describe him. He mesmerizes me, he makes me feel so good every time I see and hear him. His voice overwhelms me, I love his laugh so much. Not a day goes by without Adam in my life. He sustains me. He makes my life happier. I love the person he is and always will.

Most diverse vocalist of this generation, in my humble opinion. These are all great singers on this list but for people who are alive right now, I vote Adam...

Adam Lambert leaves me speechless, can't get enough of his voice, charisma, etc.
I vote Adam Lambert as best male singer because he is the best; and he is here and he is now. There is a rich quality to his voice and he's got that certain sumthin' separating him from all others'. It's impossible to explain in words.
It's unbelievable that he is the 4th! He has the best voice I have ever heard! And he is better than Michael Jackson. Adam Lambert must have the FIRST place!

Perfection is not strong enough to describe his vocal talent. Add that to the realness of his being and there is simply no comparison to anyone else

Adam Lambert a singer who joins to a great talent and a great voice, honesty and courage to always be himself without giving in to the lure of success

Adam is clearly the best current vocalist. He is not limited by genre and can bring a song to life over and over again in different and beautiful ways.

Fantastic voice and range. Great performer live as well. Was chosen by Brian May and Roger Taylor to sing with Queen at the EMAs in Belfast recently!
Adam has a voice that affects me like no other. He can go from playful to passionate, from powerful to a whisper with a huge range. He makes my soul sing.

Give the living artists a chance! NOBODY never EVER will forget Freddy and MJ.. But I disagree to let them still steal the thunder of living artists.

Adam Lambert is the most talented singer and entertainer I've ever seen in all of my 62 years! Love him, plus he is such an amazing person inside and out!

Adam is the voice of this generation! He is the best singer/entertainer in the business today and he's just getting started! Adam Storm Alert world

Adam Lambert has outstanding range to his voice. He is exciting to listen to. His breathing technique is beyond words. He can sing any genre easily.

Adam is an amazing singer and performer! He has amazing vocal range and I just want to cite Brian May: His (Adam Lambert) voice is one of the billions.

Adam Lambert has a heavenly voice. Quasar is one of the brightest objects in the universe and Adam's voice is the most melodious in the universe

Adam Lambert has THE MOST captivating voice that I have ever heard! He has amazing stage presence and puts on a dynamite show! No one can top Adam!

Adam has not only an outstanding voice, but he has the personality and charisma to go with it, and really push every performance of his to the top!

He shows raw emotion through his songs and can always get the crowd jumping. Always puts on a brilliant show, what more could you possibly want?

Sexy, wild the most talented male voice I have heard since our beloved late Freddie Mercury in my opinion, he is a great
You Tube is filled with the amazing voice of Adam Lambert as proof of his golden vocals! Naysayers should check it out!
Having had the privilege of hearing him live, I can say without a doubt his voice is one in one hundred billion! Number one in my humble opinion! - judypurcell

Nobody living today sings like Adam Lambert I love his personality stage presence enter action with the audience and Brian May I love Adam

He has such a nice, smooth and velvet mixed voice... So effortless and pure... Definitely the best singer... His voice is so elastic... And well balanced...

Adam is the most exciting, sexy, and vocals off this earth male singer there is right now. The man can dance, sing, walk the walk and sexy all in one.

Adam Lambert has the greatest vocal register and stage presence of any entertainer. He has a beautiful heart and is a joy to behold visually.

Adam's simply the best. I'm so addicted to his voice. Range, power, beauty, intensity - he has it all.
Adam is not just a singer, he's a performer. He has an appeal because as he entertains us he entertains himself. He is such s fan of music and shows his love and dorkiness just like the rest of us. He doesn't take himself to seriously and wants his fans to have fun with him.
Adam is... Adam just IS! I have no words to describe how much I love this man's voice, and the man himself is one of the kindest people I have ever met.

The most talented singer out there by a country mile! Can't wait for the new single and album!
Not only does he have an out-of-this-world vocal range, he has an astounding performance range. He can do anything from country to opera! Most improtantly, he's got class, charisma, charm and he is the nicest guy in the business. Everyone who's worked with him has nothing but nice things to say!

Oh my god, Adam Lambert is the best singer ever, his voice blows me away like no one does, his style is awesome and everything is perfect in him!

Amazing vocal range, great entertainer, highly talented guy. He is also nice, humble, honest and beautiful. He deserves all the best! Love him

Never heard a voice as exquisite as Adam Lambert! He can sing any genre and his range is believable! He is in a class of his own! No one compares!

Best current male vocalist on the planet. Have seen him live on his own tours and with queen in London. He is simply addictive to see and hear,

Adam Lambert=talent, sexy, raw energy, super good person. His fans really love and adore him!
Adam is the best: Best singer, Drop dead gorgeous, likes to entertain and respects his fans, can carry a conversation. No one can out sing him.

Best singer we have heard in years. Can sing any genre. Vocals chords are unbelievable. Star quality performer.
Adam has the most beautiful voice on the planet. He is such a hard worker and so very nice to his fans. Being gorgeous doesn't hurt either.

He is the God of pop music he has amazing control over his voice and is truly on of the best singers in the world!
It was Adam Lambert who brought me back to listening music. His voice and the way he sings just touches me. I am definitely not qualified as a GLAMBERT, but I enjoy his music and his interpretations. He is the only current LIVE male artist that is truly has the quality tops all others.

Adam's voice makes me happy. He's an incredible singer, such an amazing range, just a beautiful voice ^^ soul. LOVE HIM! He should be #1. Can't wait for his sophomore album "TRESPASSING" in Spring 2012!
Adam has one of the best singing voices since Freddie! Go see him perform live, he is amazing, you won't be sorry.
Unmatched! Other vocalists, trained opera singers and Mr Lambert's fellow artists say he's one of the best ever, so it's not only his fans' opinion. When you hear him live, his voice goes through you, it's like a thunderstorm or earthquake coming, you actually feel his voice. It's magical!

Adam's voice seeps into your soul and emits such delicious warmth. He is one of THE most electrifying and mesmerizing talents ever.

Adam lambert is the best singer ever he is my soul brother love him very much he is awesome he's in my heart and my best friend forever

Adam lambert is the best male ever...i love him so much...he is the most beautiful and cute man in this world adam lambert is so handsome

There is NO ONE comparable to Adam Lambert in vocal ability, showmanship, range, stage presence, professionalism...the list goes on.

Wow what an amazing vocal range and beautiful tone this man has! AND he's totally charismatic and tall and gorgeous - triple whammy!

His voice is the absolute best currently, hands down! No one even comes close to his level of vocal ability!
Best EVER! And even better LIVE! Needs no bells or whistles, Adam is the REAL DEAL! Don't believe it? Go listen to him live! I REST my case!

Adam is a virtuoso and most sings recognize that what he does is truly astounding. He has pretty much unlimited natural talent.

He's an awesome, fantastic musician, one for this century! He's also very personable to his audience while on stage. Love his voice!

I fell in love with Adam Lambert voice the first time I heard him sing on American Idol! He just keeps getting better and better!

We are so blessed to have Adam Lambert in this generation indeed! :) His voice, charisma and being true to himself are remarkable!

Adam's voice is not easy to describe in words. All of the adjectives and hyperbole just don't do it justice. His voice is not something you listen to, it's something you experience. I've seen Adam live many times and he's never failed to give me 'goosies' and leave my jaw on the floor

There are no words to describe his amazing voice and mesmerizing stage presence! Except for maybe, flawless entertainment!

He's simply breathtaking. He can hit all those crazy high notes seamlessly. He's probably one of the best, if not the best today.

Adam has a range like no other I have heard. His ability to change up a song every time he sings it is absolutely mind boggling

Opinions are like belly buttons - but I do believe there is nothing Adam can to sign and brilliantly at that. Give him a listen.

Adam lambert is not only an amazing singer but when he sings you can feel the emotion he puts into it.
Adam Lambert deserves to be 1.He is the best male singer on planet earth...i love his angelic voice...He deserves number one spot!

Adam Lambert is the bomb; amazing. When he was not chosen as THE American IDOL, I stopped watching for a couple of years, was so disappointed. He rocks!
Attended a Queen + Adam Lambert concert and it was the best concert experience I ever had. Adam's voice is sheer perfection.

One of the few singers in the world that can sing for Queen and do it justice. The man is remarkable!
Adam Lambert has the most incredible voice and vocals, and can sing anything. That's why I think that he is the best singer!

In my opinion Adam Lambert is the best male singer and entertainer for his generation and maybe other generations too.

Adam Lambert's vocals are out of this world. There are quite a few great singers out there and Adam is in the top of the pack.

Adam can do it all. He is not limited to one genre of music- he has the skill, the talent, the pipes to sing anything...perfectly.

Adam Lambert has a fantastic voice, is a very nice person in general. And is very nice looking! Lol
There is just no denying what an amazing vocalist Adam is, even singing Freddie Mercury's songs his range in unlimited.

Devastated by the way Adam Lambert uses his voice! When combined with his expression and delivery, it is irresistible!

Adam Lambert has an incredible vocal technique and a wide range.
His voice isn't limited to a certain genre and can adapt to different musical styles.
Additionally, he is a real entertainer who doesn't need to use auto tune, which is not the norm for a lot of pop/rock singers.

I love him he is so good. And the Songs aw I love it. His voice is fantastic You feel the Songs. I love him His new CD is wow

GO ADAM LAMBERT! ! He rocks and totally should win every thing that he is nominated for! Go adam lambert! I love him so much!

Nobody like Adam Lambert and one of the very few artists who live even better than recorded!
Hands down the best vocalist I ever have heard. I am amazed each and every time I hear him sing.
Adam Lambert is the best pop/rock vocalist right now. He is going to be the lead singer for Queen in this summer's tour.

Can't believe some of the people listed here. In my opinion Adam Lambert is the best male singer I've seen in decades.

Adam is the best in the world and will be for many years to come. A vocal legend in the making... - marianb.painter
The best singer in the world right now, just ask queen. Has the potential to become the biggest artists of all time.

Adam has the voice to make me feel the music. Love everything about him! Adam is the best singer in the world today.

I have seen both Freddie Mercury and Adam Lambert fronting Queen, and, for me, Adam Lambert is better no question.

The power and sheer beauty of his vocals are second to none! I've heard him live, his voice rendered me speechless!

Spellbinding vocals and an integrity and passion that is rarely found. A true shining star across all genres.

Extraordinary Brilliant singer with an Incredible vocal range. Amazing performer!
Adam Lambert's voice is without parallel in today's Pop music
Adam is like Freddie Mercury, Elvis and Michael all rolled into one. He evokes the great singers of the past, yet has
A very contemporary edge.

Adam is the total package: voice, looks, intelligence and social awareness. Great singer, great performer, great person.

He has such great voice! He's super talented. I don't understand how come still many people doesn't even know him?!

He should be before Freddie Mercury. Because Adam Lambert too has style maybe better than Freddie Mercury.

Adam Lambert is a vocal genius who can sing any genre of music. His songs are perfection. His voice is unreal.

People should vote for the living best, and Adam should be on the top of the list, his talent is unparalleled.

He is THE ONLY ONE who can literally sing anything. He is one of the greatest voice n performers of all times!

Adam Lambert's talent is beyond words! I love him and his next album is going to be sick! He's a real performer!

His voice is unmatched as far as I'm concerned. Perfect! He is the best male singer in the world at the moment.

Its not just his voice though: his whole presence on stage is mesmerizing. But damn sun! He got a voice on him!

Adam has an exquisitely beautiful voice; a voice that is simply heavenly, vibrant and alive with passion.

Adam's voice is incredible. It makes my whole body tingle.
Criminally under-rated singer who will, one day, be acknowledged for what he is: the best male vocalist of his time. He is overlooked in today's musical climate where autotuned pop-candy, rap & country dominate the charts & airwaves.
Phenomenal talent! Incredible range, incredible control, and incredibly charismatic on and off stage!

Adam Lambert's voice draws you in! You hear & feel every word of a song. He's an amazing human being, heart & soul!

Adam Lambert can sing anything. He makes you feel the emotion in the words and music every time he sings.

Adam is a very unique artist, best voice in the music industry, great performer, sings with such emotion.

Best powerful voice, magnetic stage presence, sings with passion. Adam Lambert is total package. Best

Adam is the whole package (talent, looks, charisma) and more. He is mesmerizing and beyond entertaining.

I love his voice and he looks awesome when he sings! No one is more entertaining to me than Adam Lambert!

Since this is for best male 'SINGER' Adam has it hands down. His range and control is unsurpassed. I am 63 years young and I have seen them all in concert. Elvis, Beatles, Stones etc. Hearing his AMAZING voice in concert puts him right up there with the greats!

He's my idol, my reason to live, my everything.He's a wonderful singer.His voice, it's like an angel singin'

When Brian May of Queen says Adam's voice is one in a billion I think you can say he's the best of the best.

In my humble opinion, the current generations most versatile singer around. Adam has that "it" factor.

Adam's vocals are immaculate and magnificent. When he sings, he makes the music the sound of feelings

Adam's voice is godly. I am also not ashamed to say he has made me question my sexuality multiple times.

You have not lived until you've experienced Adam Lambert live in concert... absolutely mind blowing!

He's Amazing! Great singer. His voice is the best. His range of voice is amazing, those high notes

Best vocal singer to come along in a while. True talent oozes from every pore of this skin! Lovely guy!

Adam Lambert. I listen to his glorious voice every day.. To me, he is the best singer in the world today..

Adam lambert is the best singer! I love him so much
Adam Lambert is the most talented vocalist in the music industry today.
Adam Lambert is my favorite singer! Great voice!
Adam Lambert's voice has an amazing four octave range. He sings from the soul and his voice envelops you with passion and emotion. Personally, compared with the singers of today, Adam's voice is without parallel.
I would have him higher up this list.

I vote for Adam, cause he is a amazing singer, he is simply the best, and he's a lovely human being too

He is The Best singer I've ever heard. His voice has huge range and magic influence on people mood.

He is the best male vocalist & performer I have witnessed in my lifetime
Adam is the best so her alive hands down. He can sung anything, and make it his own. Beyond amazing!

Adam's vocal range and clarity when singing is unmatched my anyone else in the business today!

I Can't imagine how much he has risen on this list. He was at the 133 th place yesterday for god sakes!

All I can say about Adam Lambert is, the best voice in this generation!
Adam's got the "it" factor and shares generously and passionately and he's my daily addiction.

I love you adam you are best singer forever... !
This guy is SO talented. He is a showman of the finest sort. His vocal capabilities can not be challenged by anyone, today...or yesterday. Let's all stop and give praise to the fact he oozes sexiness and humility - this guy is the REAL full package!

His ability to draw you into his singing and performances is amazing and his voice and his passion is like nothing I've ever seen. He can make you feel what he is singing and what he is feeling. Just an incredable singer, performer and person.

He is after Freddie Mercury: he has a flexible voice and he and Bruno are the best at our time - musicalemprire

He is real. You can feel everything you hear and that is priceless. Plus his voice is angelic

The other people in the pole don't come close. He is a genius and best singer in the 21st century

Greatest singer alive! Oozes charisma, very sexy, great stage presence, nobody comes close!

He's simply the best. His range, enunciation & passion are unmatched!
The only singer that I would rather see live than on CD, he's obviously the best! Fan forever!

The most amazing male vocalist of all time and his is so handsome.
Adam Lambert's voice is amazing. All the different things he can do with it, is astounding.

Adam sings from the heart and get right into yours. His stage presence is spine tingling.

Incredible voice. So under appreciated. Can sing any type of music unlike other artists

I love the song ghost town and the song better than I know myself
His voice wraps around your heart and seeps into your brain! Totally mesmerizing live!

His singing touches every fiber of my being. The most beautiful voice I have ever heard.

Adam is a really god singer I would like to request Adam to come to Dubai. Go Adam You rock

He is the best singer I haven't heard for a very long time!
Love his energy when he sings, he love his fans very much, always keep in touch in us, care about us, he will be the icon, the world love him!
He is really talented! His voice has wide range, it's amazing! I love how expressive he is!

Hi is the best male singer in the world today! He is INCREDIBLE!
Songs is best way to throw your thinking I also want to become a singer please help me

There simply is no better singer on the planet at this time than Adam
Lambert! His dance moves are awesome also!
Adam Lambert has the most amazing voice and vocal techniques. He is simply the best!

I believe Adam Lambert has the finest voice in music today.
Adam is the quite simply the best singer I have ever heard.
Adam's voice takes my breath away! He's almost not real.. He sings
Like an Angel.. Brilliant.. No one compares... NO ONE!
The beauty of Adam's voice is otherworldly on ballads and exciting on dance song.

Pure vocals, very adaptable to any kind of music, can hit a huge range of high notes.

Best voice, best looking, honest, helps charities, moves great, he is just the BEST.

He is perfect. From vocal range to performance to fashion, he is simple flawless.

Adam Lambert is the most amazing singer ever! Love him!
, the man is incredible -- and what he's doing with Queen is un paralleled. love him!

Adam is a visual artist, his being on stage, his fabulous voice, no one compares.

He looks like Elvis and sings like Freddie Mercury! Yummy on the eyes and ears!

Adam lambert 4th tom jones 134th I rest my case! How stupid!
Most talented singer and performer in the universe!
Such a quality voice. He can sing any genre. And on note!
Adam Lambert is the total package! He has moved many with his beautiful singing and the understanding nature of his heart! He has brought a classic uniqueness to his style of music and he never forgets his loving Glamberts!

Most absolutely beautiful and amazing acapella voice on the music scene today and most talented and diverse entertainer.
Electrifying, great range, gorgeous vocals, creative funny, innovative and on and on.
I just love the guy!
The first two are dead. Never heard of number three. Why is ADAM at number four.

To know Adam is to love Adam... Most beautiful artist out there, inside and out...

Adam Lambert, he's also voted Sexiest Male singer on Billboard! Then, why not?

He is just incredible! There are no words to describe him.. He is just the best!

He definitely has one of the best voices of this generation! If not the best...

He is insanely versatile, can sing at any range ior volume, any style, and do it beautifully. His upcoming album "Trespassing" is sure to cement his standing as a musical innovator and THE male vocalist in the world right now.

He has most beautiful voice same time he is a best entertainer to all ages.

He's got a strong and beautiful voice so you can feel his voice in your body

I've seen him in action, alone and with Queen. It doesn't get better than that.

The best male singer of his generation. Bar none!
Adam Lambert is the one of the best singer in this earth I love his songs

When Adam Lambert sings, I'm happy! Nothing else needed at those moments.

The best quote ever was by Brian May of Queen, said when he performed with them he was so mezmerized by what Adam was doing he would forget to play. He is a born performer and will take you on a journey. A legend in the making.

He's a phenomenon. Most under-rated vocalist and artist of this decade.

Amazing voice on CD but even more surprising his voice is better live!

Best vocalist currently alive on the planet!
There is no one on earth that can sing like Adam Lambert; who can entertain like Adam Lambert; that has the sexual magnetism Adam Lambert has and I've never seen any man who can pull off sexy dance moves like Adam Lambert.

Adam has great voice and I think he is the best singer in the world I really like him I can't wait for his next album.
I want to say he is really perfect.
I just agree to everything the writer said to describe Adam Lambert

Adam lambert is the amazing guy in the world
The best male vocalist to date, superb voice
The notes Adam Lambert reaches on "Can't Let You Go" are supernatural!

Adam is a brilliant singer, performer and a nice guy (yes I am lucky enough to have met him) not to mention gorgeous looking too! His vocal range is class so he deserves a high spot on this vote infact he should be number 1!

Adam Lambert is the best. He is an incredible singer. He is adorable

2014 He is the best singer presently. no debate
Best vocalist on the Planet EVER! Also a top-notch LIVE performer!

Adam is the best in the business right now and he so deserves this.

Adam is absolutely amazing. In my opinion the best male vocalist.

Adam has a once in a generation voice. Mesmerizing and powerful.

He has such a fantastic voice, very unique, and a great performer.

Amazing voice, personality. Best male pop singer with an incredible range. He can also sing any style and make it believable. He is truly Tresspassing through my life and Entertaining me each day. Thank you Adam!

Adam is the best singer I have ever heard and the most exciting.

There is just something about his voice! It is just perfection!

No words could do this man's voice justice. In a league of his own

I love everything about Adam Lambert.
Incredible range and versatility, style and creativity
No one else can sub for freddie ;-)
Nobody compares to his vocal abilities! Absolutely amazing.

I'm from Algeria I love adam lambert I'm his big fan in the world

Incredible vocal technique and his range are off the charts

This man can sing anything, any style. His voice is ridiculous

Absolute legend! Coolest voice ever
His voice is so amazing and I find myself looking up live performances because they tend to sound better than the studio version and I can't wait for his new ablum to drop so he can go on tour so I can see him live

No one today can compare to the vocal ability of Adam. Period!

The best singer of this generation
One word to describe... ASTONISHING! Adam lambert has to be the best male singer, NO DOUBT!
Guys! Please vote for him!
He's amazing singer! He has the most powerful voice on Earth!

Adam is the very best that I've heard in my lifetime... Bar none!

I love Adam Lambert's brilliant vocals and stage presence!

Adam is the best singer of all time
Already better than Lennon? Right...
That voice is so moving, addictive
Adam Lambert is the greatest singer in the world! He's brilliant, swesome, handsome, vocally second to no one, and a true crowd pleaser.
Hey come on... Adam is the best... Not Kim Jaejoong... Just ADAM... Got?

Unbelievable. His voice gives me goosebumps it is so pure!

Top of the list, without question!
I love Adam's voice! He's brilliant!
Adam Lambert has the best voice I myself have witnessed first hand from going to one of his concerts, very controlled and a vocal range like you wouldn't believe. He is very entertaining and you are easily drawn in with his sex appeal. Once your hear the first note come from his mouth to the very last your are drawn in and enoy beig the fan you have become. =)

Adam Lambert has amazing voice and style. He singing really good.
I love him very much. I hope that he is winner.
Adam has a voice in a million and knows just how to use it!

Adam Lambert is the best vocalist on the planet. period.

He is just amazing. Voice, heart, brain, looks. He is the ONE!

Adam Lambert is the best singer I have ever heard. He do so many vocal acrobatic with his voice its unbelievable. He sexy, gorgeous and just an unbelievable entertainer and singer and he funny. I saw the Queen concert I never enjoyed any concert more. It was flat out amaizing. Queen is the perfect band for him to show off his insanely amaizing talents!

He adds an incredible spice to the music an lyrics, it is amazing. He definitely deserve revs this rank maybe even higher because it is har to find someone who makes music and culture you feel one with it

Best singer and performer of today...can sing anything

Adam Lambert has the best voice ever! It's that obvious!

You must see Adam live to appreciate his talent I have seen two of the ones ahead of him and him he is the best by far. Never did I hear him miss a note or act as if he was struggling. I love Freddie and Michael but both were not even close to ADAM ' singing. They were more entertaining R.I.P. both Michael and FreddienI think both of these guys would LOVED and had mad respect for ADAM. I know I think, he should be along with area than as the top vocalists of all time it is effortless and I DO BOW DOWN TO THE QUEEN!

He should be number one cause he is so sexy and hot. So please make him number one... Kay thanks:) haaha he such good singer and he is a hot one to so make him up to 1 on the list of top hottest pop male singers... Peace

He is a AMAZING singer. Nobody could ever replace him.

Brian May called him a voice in a billion. Enough said.

Words cannot express his talent. He is the best ever

Best singer in the world, there isn't anyone like him.

The voice of the twenty first century. Amazing singer. Wonderful stage presence. His voice echoes thru your very soul. Truly a talent to be seen & herad.
Adam best singer, he can do anything with his voice!

He's simply amazing! Best voice of this generation.

His voice just DOES everything and IS EVERYTHING.

Beautiful voice, Beautiful man! Beautiful person...

The best singer I've ever heard! A rarity these days!

All you have to do is just LISTEN to him... Goosebumps!

The most amazing singer today. Can't wait for his new album coming in early 2012~
Hearing him live is an experience unparalleled.

Yes he has an amazing voice... Its very outstanding.

Best singer, performance and compassion person.

He is unmatched in music today, NO ONE can compare

Adam lambert is the best by far, Awesome sums it up

#1 singer, nobody comes close to his artistry today!

His range and stage presence is the Tops for sure!

Adam loves to sing and his love for singing results in some really passionate and heartfelt performamces; performances that have succeeded in sending chills down my spine, brought tears to my eyes and a smile on my face. There is NO one that has been able to surpass the feelings I have for this marvelous, takented and charismatic performer.

This is a no brainer. He is one of the few artists today that sounds as good if not better live as on a studio recording. Massive vocal talent, genuine, humble, and charismatic. A fine piece of eye candy!

He should be joint 1st with Freddie! I can see so much if Freddie in him: voice quality, a great frontman etc etc! He's definitely the perfect replacement for Queen and the best singer of the 21st century!

Totally stupendous Uber Mega Talented Artist!

No words just awesome vocals and fun to see live.

Adam Lambert is an amazing performer as well as a singer! His voice is like no other which lots of people have said, and it is absolutely true. We are his glamberts and we support him! We love you Adam!

He's just the best there's nothing more I can say.

Adam is just amazing. His voice touches my soul.

He has the most amazing voice I have ever heard

Like Brian said he is truly a gift from heaven.

Adam Lambert Is a rock god best voice of today

Adam Lambert is the best singer in the world

One of the most amazing voices on the planet!

Best live performer EVER, THE TOP MALE PERFORMER OF THIS GENERATION AND BEYOND! Even @DrBrianMay says he's the next Elvis, Adam is going to be a legend! Love watching his growth to #superstardom!

His vocal is so high it's unmatched, rock god!

I love this man. His voice is beyond compare!

Vote for Adam Lambert for Best Male Singer!

Adam is the best male vocalist alive today

Adam's voice is amazing the emotion he puts into all of his songs you can't help but feel along with him. I am looking forward to his next album and the surprises he has in store for is Glamberts

Adam Lambert is my idol, my hero, my passion!

Adam lambert is a wonderful gift to us all

This man can outsing anyone on the planet!

This is something we have known all along!

He's certain the best singer alive today

Can't agree more - Adam Lambert is a genius!

Adams voice is addicting... So is his smile.

Fantastic singer with a powerful voice:-)

Side by side comparison with Michael Jackson shows Adam has a better range and ability in my humble opinion - MJ had an "entertainment" factor that gave an impression of a better voice than it actually was. Adam has a better voice and an outstanding "entertainment" factor, plus his depth of feeling and performance far outrank MJ for me.

Adam his my favor like no other. Amazing voice no words to describe him is a genius! Love him so much he changed my life forever can't wait to see him on tour.. His single simple beautiful BTIKM

No words, just jaw dropping perfection.

Best singer of the current generation!

Adam's vocal skills are unsurpassable.

He is just as he was meant to be-FABULOUS!

There is no one that can compare to Adam

Adam Lambert is an amazing live singer.

Adam Lambert my hero, my idol, my passion

He has a real talent. Nobody comes close!

Amazing performer with the best voice

Adam Lambert is the best singer. Period.

His range! Stage presence! Must see Live!

Superb voice, best I've ever heard live!

See him sing live & you will understand!

Best voice in existence=Adam Lambert

The best singer I have heard in my life!

Adam should be #1. Who got a voice like him?

He has no limits. Can sing everything!

Adam Lambert makes music come alive!

Adam Lambert is a universal LEGEND!

Adam Lambert is the best vocal ever!

The most amazing vocals of anybody!

He made me listen to the music AGAIN

Seen him live - a revelation. Hats off!

The kindest & best vocals hands down!

Adam is the Best singer in the world

One word can describe him: genuine!

He's good. He's real and he's just Adam.

Best singer to come along in years!

I agree with everything that has been said about this amazing man. I have never - never - had a singer capture my heart and soul like Adam. He's simply the best ofg the best in today's music.

His voice is insane! Mesmerising!

He is the best singer in the world!

Love him and his beautiful voice!

With out a doubt he's the best vocalist out there. None could compete with his mind blowing voice. On top of that we can't over look his musical instect. He is a musical genera of his own

Incredible vocal talent and showmanship. What a combination! I can wait to see Adam Lambert with Queen here in DC. Adam is undeniably one of the most talented artists in a long time!

The perfectest voice I've heard

Adam Lambert is simply the best!

He's the best singer in the world

Best singer today! Ask Brian may!

The best singer out there today!

Adam"s voice can bring you to tears, to incredible joy or sexy excitement. You feel it as well as hear it, and seeing him live is addictive - you can't get enough! That is a great singer!

Adam"s voice is perfection and the power behind it takes it directly to your soul where you are infused with it's absolute beauty and are left with a sense of complete peace.

Adam vocal range is awesome. He has an increidible voice. He can go from so low to so high and make it feel like is easy. Literally amazing. He can hit notes that don't even exist.

Simply THE BEST MALE SINGER of this generation! He can sing any genres, and has a multi-octive voice like no other! And he draws you in... You really FEEL his voice... HE IS THE BEST!

Adam is the BEST! His range, tone, power are all off the charts. He's charming, beautiful inside & out, funny, gracious and sexy as hell. I'm a Glambert 4 LIFE!
There're not enough words to describe Mr. Lambert's beautiful instrument and this isn't just my personal opinion. People around the world are just starting to realize how great his voice is and how beautiful this man is inside out! He is a creative free soul with an amazing gift that he wants to share with the world.

There are no words left to describe Adam's genius because everyone knows what an amazing and talented singer and entertainer he is! I have been a GLAMBERT from the first audition on AI and I'm so proud of his accomplishments and excited for his starry future yet to come! Forever a Glambert!
I am at a loss for words, so I would say just listen to his phenominal voice, and watch the charisma he has with his every audience. Adam Lambert is without a doubt the ultimate entertainer. Guarenteed to leave you breathless and wanting more!
This man has the most inredible voice. He can hold a note for 22 seconds and can hit 4 Octaves. His high notes make you shiver and the live performances are breathtaking.

I think I saw the future with Queen two years ago, and it's name was Adam Lambert! Some of the singers here are dead, which means it's their past glories keeping them there - which is a shame.
Adam Lambert is still alive, and can only get better than he already is - and that's quite something! LONG LIVE ADAM LAMBERT AND QAL!

Adam is the best ever male singer! An amazing voice, amazing personality, amazing charisma, loyal to his fans, a drop dead gorgeous looking guy who obviously is very humble because he has so much going for him. No one can outsing him. People watch hin sing in amazement and those high notes are really outstanding.

As for 2012 he should be the best singer
He just sings so good and hit very high notes which females
Cannot. And he is so sexy that he turns to be the sexiest male musician for 2012

I want him to win this is honor so bad. He deserves this title handsdown. 2012 will be Adam's year to shine. I just love his voice and everything about this man. Go Adam!

Amazing voice unreal vocals range he can sing the phonebook and the twist in his music are amazing and cool can't pass a day without playing adam music

Adam Lambert is the best of the best singers on earth, living or not. He is a total package,
Good looking and his voice is superb! Nothing can match his talent!

I love Adam Lambert, he is an inspiration to me. He showed me it was ok to show who you truly are. Now, I could care less about what people say or think about me.

Adam Lambert has really changed over time but his music...leaves us all...amazed such voice and expression the music...his voice everything is higher than expected

Adam lambert iit's like the best singer of this generation, he's voice it's nuts! I never heard anything like is voice, just perfect. And he's also so sexyy!

Adam Lambert sings like Freddy, moves like Elvis or MJ what more can you say. He's in a league of his own vocally and his stage presence is unbeatable!

Went to the IHeart concert. Saw Adam Lambert with Queen. I balled my eyes out when he sang "who wants to live forever ". His voice raps around your soul!

The Best! EVER...
He can do all kinds of genre due to vocal flexibility...

Have you heard him sing "I can't get no Satisfaction"?... Because I can't get enough lol

Pure, powerful, soul shaking voice that's even stronger live than recorded.
Gifted inside and out!
Adam Lambert is a once in a generation singer and performer There just isn't any better than Mr. Lambert. He's the whole package... TOTALLY AMAZING!

Adam is AMAZING! I love his new song Better Thank I know Myself. To hear him live is a must! He was singing with Queen at the Emas and it blew me away!

ADAM LAMBERT => BEST VOICE SINGER EVER! Best performer on stage! He is genius, once you listen to his voice, you cannot listen to any other voices.

There is no other singer who can even come close to Adam Lambert. His vacal range is unmatched. He is without a doubt the best singer out there.

Adam Lambert is the best, his voice is incredible, he is charismatic,
I wait impatiently his concert in Paris with Queen, and his next album.

Listening to Adam sing is a full mind/body/spirit experience. His vouce is pure platinum. Plus he is a great guy and sexy as hell to top it off.

There is no singer in the history of rock/pop music who can top Adam Lambert's range, power, style ^^ instinct for any song he takes on. He is simply amazing and truly belongs at the top of any "best of" list of singers.
The man's vocal range in beyond anyone else I've heard. He is the full package when it comes to entertaining. The man is just adamazing!

Well he is extremely hot his trend is Extraordinary but eye chatching and his voice is like an Angels and I like his music videos.

His voice is unbelievable!
If you have a chance to see him on your with Queen you must go! He will blow you away!
Adm Lambert captivates, mesmerizes, electrifies, stuns, cajoles, and gobsmacks like no other singer with a voice that paints all colors of human emotion to touch our hearts, minds, and souls. Is he that everything? Yes, and more. "Once I'm in, I own your heart"... As he wished, thus it is so.

I can't get enough of Adam Lambert singing. His voice touches my soul.
I believe Adam deserves this honor, due to his amazing talent,

Did not like him on American Idol but he has changed and so have I.
Love "Soaked" and other ballads. His falsetto is really beautiful.

Better than John Lennon or Robert Plant?! Oh please...
Adam has the best voice I have heard and he uses that perfectly. And what�'s also wonderful that he is also very sweet person!

Adam Lambert is truely talented. What A voice, it sends shivers done my spine. He equals the true legends of vocal talents!

He's the best voice. totally diverse can sing anything. his voice penetrates my soul. best voice on the earth.
Seriously, all you have to do is listen. Your ears will tell it all! Extraordinary entertainer with phenominal vocals!

Adam is the best looking, most courteous, best dressed and best singer ever! No one can outsing him, he is just so special. A combination of Elvis Presley, he is just so good that it is unbeleivable what range he can sing in. People just do not realize just how good he is.

Adam's voice hits me where I live. And he's just as naughty as he's nice and vice versa and that adds to the fascination.

His voice make feel so relaxed, he's very col. Give some people power, and let me konw we all feel, nobody can control me...

Adam is the best singer aroubd. His range is unbelievable, he can hold notes longer than anyone and he is GORGEOUS!

Heard him live before. It's UNBELIVABLE! I can actually feel his voice vibrate thru my body. It's JUST THAT POWERFUL!

Adam Lambert... Voice in a billion... A quote from Roger Taylor...
And he knows Freddie's voice.
His Voice is like the best medicine. So many I know have been comforted ^^ uplifted by this beautiful man's incredible voice. He's a shot of good karma to the soul.
He did make queen worse, but no-one can replace Freddie, this guy got the closest, he was the best replaicment - gemcloben

Not only the best singer around at this time but the best entertainer including how he intreprets lyrics.

Adam Lambert has a wonderful multi-octave voice range and fantastic stage presence! His last album Trespassing debuted at #1 on the Bilboard chart - he is frontman for Queen and has toured with them - Queen on Adam Lambert: 'His voice is one in a billion'

Oh yes! Adam is the best male singer, I could go on forever about his qualitys but I'll just say his voice has such a wide range and he needs no auto tune and has perfect control of it! No need to say more he is absolutaly and incredible man! And quite sexy!

I saw most of the great singers from the 70s up to today, and Adam Lambert is the best I have ever heard!

Attractive, entertaining, adamazing range and personality; this guy's got the whole package!

#1 VOICE Adam live has Absoulty No Competition.. Nothing else to be said :))
Adam has the most wonderful voice in the whole world, and I'm so very proud of being a Glambert!

He's a great singer and very adorable, humorous and kind man.
I love his song and his personality!

An exceptional voice, talented artist and a beautiful open mind.
One artist in a million with great performances. Certainly an artist to enter the hall of fame. His music makes you happy, turns you up-side down.
Unforgettable and Unique.

God I hope Adam wins! He so deserves thing, he the best singer EVER ^^ he HOT! His music speaks to me in a way that no one else does. Good Luck Adam
Seriously insane voice. like, almost unbelievable sometimes, the things he does with his voice.

He is THE BEST SINGER I ever heard! I love him so much
He's BETTER than Mj, FM and others!

A voice in a billion! Roger Taylor snd Brian May say so! The man can sing anything!

This is the best voice ever! He is incomparable! This is the voice of OUR generation and MANY to come! His voice is simply unique! Eeverytime I listen to him I get chills all over my body! He is PERFECT in every single way! I love him!

What an amazing singer! One of the God's own creations.I think he is the next MJ

Exhilirating voice that you feel through your whole body. Simply stunning

Adam has a perfect voice! He is the best singer I've watched and listend ever!

Have enjoyed listening to this man for a while now. When I saw him with Queen, I was impressed all over again... so many emotions when he sings. His range and theatrics are out of this world. Comparing him to others is pointless ♡

Adam is the most talented singer alive today. Not only that his showmanship is unbeleivable. He is also quite the philanthropist and is involved in many projects from the Trevor Project to the Charity Water prolect

Adam is the best singer ever
Nobody will be able to reach him top never

The best voice, the best songs reallt should have won American idol

He is the best singer can understand it in his live shows

Vocal Range. Able to change genre with
Control. Admire his courage.

Most exciting singer in the world - has it all - voice, looks, personality, sense of humor, humility, ^^ sexuality
Don't have to ask me why Adam Lambert's the best singer, ask Brian May & Roger Taylor of Queen, ask Nile Rodgers, ask Avicii, ask Meatloaf, ask Slash, ask Rob Cavallo, ask...oh, ok, I'll stop now because you get the point.

His voice can make a whole stage move. He sing beautiful and make me dance, smile or cry with his songs. He can make me conect throught his lyrics and feel like I can almost reach him.
Adam Lambert is perfect, his voice touched anyone who will listen, he is a person who passes the best energies to his fans. Not to mention that he's a super asmiravel for having the courage to take without fear of prejudice, among others...
Particularly I love him very much, adam's life, my life, it helped me without even knowing that the more I abradeço every day, even if he does not know.
Really wanted to know him he is very special to me and I know it also has an awesome role in the lives of all his fans.

Adam deserves the bests, he deserves number 1. I love him. I proud that I'm Glambert. I hope that he be successful for ever. Love you Adam Lambert. Adam is the best man in the whole world. He is Mr perfection.

Adam has the best voice out there today, There's many artists that are extremely talented like MJ & Freddie Mercury but [sadly] they are not here anymore to share their talent, but Adam is and it's utterly amazing. He'll be a legend.
A legend, a diffrent person for singing with the best voice his voice is so strong and can make lot of unforgoten performances
Adam is a God's gift to our ears, eyes and souls! MJ is fabulous, there is no other like Mr. Mercury, but now is the time for Adam Lambert!

Even @DrBrianMay says @adamlambert is a Gift From God, even after working w Freddie. Adam is still young but future generations will be voting him the best of all time, even though he's still in his infancy as a singer/performer. Challenge anyone to see him live and not agree!

The best, most captivating and most powerful voice I�'ve ever heard. He can sing in so many different ways and touch your soul.

There is a flexibility and ease to his voice. He produces whatever a song reguires in every genre with controland purity.

Adam is the best male vocal artist.
He inspires his glamberts thru his songs. And god damn, the songs are great!

Adam hasn't even begun to receive the acclaim he so richly deserves. When I saw (and heard) him singing Who Wants To Live Forever with Queen at the IHEART Festival In Las Vagas, I thought, "Finally! Everyone will appreciate his unbelievable talent! " Then when it was aired on T.V., all they showed were the "peppy" numbers! I want the world to know what I treasure we have in Adam before I die (82)!
Adam continues to amaze his audience with not only a stunning voice, but also with creative ^^ thoroughly entertaining performances that always both stun ^^ delight. I love that you never really can be sure what he may do next, as he always looks to improve in every aspect as an artist. He's a breath of fresh air in this generation. Have always loved Adam as a musical artist and always will!

I would say grand prix is Freddie Mercury and 1st place is Adam Lambert, but yet their voices are tooo different and that makes it even more interesting... voice, charisma, artistism... can continue a long list, but one is for sure Adam - HAS IT ALL

Adam is one of the best male vocalist ever, his voice is something that you will NEVER hear in someone else. Apart from being a great singer, he�'s also a great person, very nice guy. the technique he uses for singing is unique, Adam is a lengend.

Adam &Freddie should share 1st 2 spots. Them MJ. Rest can take any spot they want. IDC

No competition Adam is the best, and so is the glamily, GLAMBERTS UNITE

Perfection...beautiful voice and stage presence.
Great performer

Adam Lambert is a great singer with a brilliant voice, he is funny, sexy and beautiful man. And he is modest person! What else to say...he is a unique. I�'m proud of him. I adore you, Adam. YOU are my passion and obsession ♥

Words are not enough when you talk about Adam Lambert. He is a amazing singer and preformer. He changed my life, not only did he change it, he saved it. And I don't regret a moment as a Glambert. I love my Glamily!

He is the best singer ever for real, I mean who can sing those notes.. Wow, he is simple amazing! Seeing him in London doing the new year show whith queen!...
I can"t wait for the next album... My heart is ghost town

Adam Lambert can do back flips with his vocals, I'm talking Over MOUNTAINS people... I have never witnessed such vocal control ^^ power in my life! Simply amazing ^^ as if that isn't enough he is genuinely the sweetest most beautiful man you will ever meet!
Adam's vocals are stunning. His range is incredible. Not many others can come close. He's not limited by genre. Rock, Pop, R&B, Jazz, EDM, semi-classical... He excels in all.
Adam simply is the best singer of the world! And he is so beautiful, amazing, lovely, charismatic and amiable!
When he sing I cry, because his voice is amazing and single! His voice has something different that I never found in anyone!
He causes chills when he sings to all who listen!
I love Adam Lambert...
And I am in love with Adam Lambert

Adam Lambert has the most gorgeous voice I've ever heard. Not only are his vocals spectacular, but his stage presence ^^ performances captivate the audience every time. He never sings a song the exact same way, ^^ yet each time, it's brilliant.
He got the most amazing voice and is a frish bust to the music industry.
I litterly has ben "on another planet" the time I have seen him live. He is even more powerful live than he is at studio recordings.
He's vocal range is AMAZING. Fantastic guy.

It's been said a gazillion times. Adam's voice transcends all cliches and B.S. He is simply spectacular with an incredible instrument, as Brian May says. A gift from G--, he continues. Roger Taylor says they wouldn't work with anyone else since working w Adam. A natural entertainer, they say, and a nice guy. Adam takes over every stage he's on and takes the audience on a trip they'll never forger.

He really have thest voice iheard and when he sings asong it is very beautiful

His voice is magical. Probably the product of a freak experiment gone wrong but instead creating magic on earth <3 inspirational, great voice, soulful, charismatic. Everything one needs to be a great singer.

He has the best voice I've ever heard plus he sings from his heart ♥ Even only a handful of his songs are enough to make one realize how awesome he is for example my favourites from him are For your entertainment, Better than I know myself, Sleepwalker,Whataya want from me,If I had you,Never closer our eyes and the list goes on! Vote for this dude!

Adam Lambert is AMAZING! His vocals can't be compared to no one, he is one of the most talented individuals out there. He is a rocker that was born to entertain. He is well LOVED and has an AWESOME fan base of dedicated GLAMBERTS that love him to death. I can't say enough about Adam, he is top notch. ❤️❤️

Adam Lambert has the most beautiful voice. His range is incredible. His voice is a perfect instrument. He sings with such emotion and can bring any song to life. Hearing him sing "LIVE" is something everyone needs to experience. Adams voice is truly EXTRAORDINARY😊
Adam lambert I sone of the BEST singers int he world you can literally feel his voice rushing in your body it's so sad that a lot o f stupid artist like taylor swift get a lot fame althought they can't sing! But adam can SING like a god and so he doesreves to be treated like one!

The best powerhouse voice, the most artistic and creative singer and songwriter, an exciting entertainer and a beautiful and humble soul. Artristy, awesome talent, hardwork and narural sexappeal make AFL a unique case of sucess for years to come...

You know what Adam lambert fans Bruno Mars is better than him how is the person who wrote a hit song for Adam lambert, oh yeah right it was Bruno Mars huh😏
Adam is the most talented voice out there right now. he can sing any genre of music. he was screwed out of radio play and cd sales by his former label and he is gracious about it. He doesn't need to swear or bash anyone to have a good song.


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